Chapter 4

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"Y/N? Please wake up.. come on..." I heard and I was tossing and turning and closing my eyes tightly. "Y/N.. are you awake?" I heard again and I opened my eyes and I was staring at a white ceiling. Where was I? "Y/N.." I heard from the left of me and I turned to see Diggy sitting in a chair beside the hospital be.. wait. Hospital bed?

"Where am I? A hospital?" I asked him and turned to him and he nodded. "What happened?" "I er.. I hit you with my car" "You what?" I sat up stunned. "It wasn't on purpose. You remember what happened at your house, right?" he asked and I nodded at him slightly confused. "Well, I kissed you an.." "Yeah, yeah I remember that part" I interrupted him and shook my head, which hurt so much. "Dammit" I murmured and reached my broken hand up to hold it. I forgot my hand was broken, it was so numb. "Yeah.. you ran out and you were gone for over an hour and you told me to leave.. so I did... and then I hit you with my car. You were in the middle of the road for some reason" "Oh.." I responded. "I took you here.. they called your mom and she's on her way.. I spoke to her" "You spoke to my mom?" I said surprised.

"Baby.." Just then my mom came rushing in the room and rushed to me and hugged me tight. "Okay, ow in more places than one mom.." I said and she let go of me gently. "Sorry honey.. wait, what happened to you?" she asked and looked in my eyes to check if I was okay. "I'm fine" I said and looked at Diggy. "Your hand... what the.." "That was at basketball practice today.." Diggy explained. "Kayla pushed her in the game and she fell on her hand. It's broken but she just needs to rest it" "Okay.." my mom responded. "Thank you for taking care of her, I really appreciate it. She needs people like you in her life" my mom definitely exaggerated that.

She looked at me and held my face. "My baby.. don't ever scare me like that again, okay?" she laughed and warned me and I nodded. "I'll go and check what the doctor says.." Diggy stood up. "No, I will, you've done enough. Thank you Diggy..." my mom hugged him and left the room, leaving me and Diggy alone together. "Did you tell her what happened?" I asked him and he shook his head. "She doesn't need to know about you and Jason or us.." he said and stood by the bed I was laid across. He was so close to me. "Hold up, us? There is no us" I said. "Really?" he leaned in almost to tempt me. "Yeah, there isn't" I said and looked down at my broken hand and my mom came back in the room and he backed off a little.

"The doctor said you need as much help and rest as possible. So that means no school for the rest of the week. Your head injury could have been worse" my mom told me. "Say, Diggy..." she started and looked at him. I knew exactly what she was gonna say and dammit... "You wouldn't mind helping out Y/N for a few days? You know helping her get back on her feet so she can go back to school on Monday?" she asked him innocently. "Um.." he started and looked at me. "Yeah, sure. That's no problem. I'll help her" he said and I didn't react at all.

"Thanks.." I breathed as Diggy helped me up the stairs and to my room a few days later. He was genuinely being nice and helpful and he kept his space like I asked. You like him, why are you pushing him away Y/N? What's wrong with you? I kept asking myself. He helped me onto my bed and handed me the tea and my starred blanket. He'd been everywhere in my house, he was closer to me and my mom now and knew more about me now. "You cool?" "Yeah, I think so" I said and reached over to the tv remote and turned it on. "Ah I love this show.." I said and he smiled. "Me too.." "Why don't you come and sit?" I said and he walked over to the rattan chair beside my bed. "Not there you idiot.. here" I patted beside me on the bed and he smiled a little and came over to sit next to me with the pillows on our backs as we watched the tv show. I pulled some of my blanket over ot him and he gladly took it and sat with me.

"I gotta admit, I do like having you here.." I sighed to him and I continued to look at the tv screen. Diggy turned to look at me as I confessed it to him. "You do?" "Yeah, I do" I said and he laughed a little. "That's what people say to the person they'll marry" he said and I laughed a little with him. "So are you saying that you'd marry me?" he asked. "You're crazy.." "Call me crazy, I'm crazy about you" he said and I couldn't resist his charm. "Okay.." I turned to him on the bed and he looked in my eyes as I looked in his. But it wasn't first thing I noticed about him. His lips, his perfect skin, his little bit of facial hair.. so tempting. "If I were to say that.." I swallowed hard before continuing the sentence. "That I would go out with you.. would you?" I asked and he looked away. "Gee, I don't know.. I mean..." he was smiling as he joked with me and I laughed at his humour. "I mean I got other girls who need to be hit by my car for them to like me.." he laughed and I went to hit him playfully with my broken hand and missed and fell on top of him instead.

We stopped laughing after we realized how close we really were this time. Face to face.. our lips aligned and our eyes searching for each other. I stared at his lips for a few seconds before looking back in his eyes. "So.." "So.." he copied me and I chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I wanna go out with you" he said and I smiled and bit on my lip. "Do I er.. finally get to kiss you?" he asked. "You did that already when you scared Jason off.." I said and he pulled me down to him and kissed me.

A minute of making out. Pure pleasure. I couldn't resist him. I really liked that kiss. He didn't go too far with it. He kissed me and smiled in the kisses and I did too. There was a knock on the door and we both ignored it and my mom came in..

"Oh sorry..." she smirked and held onto the door. "Mom..!" I laughed as I broke away from Diggy. "You see, this is why I'd leave you guys alone so much. I knew there was something going on, I've been there.." she smiled at us both and I laughed nervously and looked down at my blue starred blanket and played with it in my hands. "So does that mean Diggy is staying for dinner?" she asked and I looked at him. "Yeah, I am if that's okay with you?" he looked at me and I nodded.

"Okay, well it'll be ready in ten minutes... and I think that's enough kissing from you guys" she warned us with a smile and left the room. "So your mom likes me.." Diggy turned to me and I smiled. "Yeah, she does, you got past that hurdle" I said to him and he held my hand in his. "We'll take this slow, okay?" he assured me and I nodded and stared at his lips. He smiled knowing what I wanted. We were about to lean in when my mom called "Dinner!" from downstairs. We both froze, chuckled a little and got up to go...

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