5 years later...

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The blaring alarm clock jerked my mind out of peaceful sleep and I rolled over, into Justin's chest. He groaned and shifted under the sheets, his naked body brushing mine. We always slept nude nowadays. It just felt better that way.

"Maddie, get the kids up." He yawned.

"No, I did it last time. You go." I pushed him.

He grumbled into a pillow. After a few silent minutes, I realized that he really wasn't getting up. I huffed and blinked my eyes awake. I nearly fell onto the floor, still tired from being up most of the night.

I grabbed my soft, silk robe from the bed post and tucked it around my body.

It was going to be a hot day. The month of June had been unseasonably stuffy here in Chicago, but it rained last night so I hoped it cooled off a little.

Today, the entire family was going to the wedding of one of Justin's cousins, John. The entire family. There would be a lot of Italian people crammed onto the luscious back lawn of the country club, and of course there was going to be drama. I could feel it in my bones.

But before I could even begin to think about the wedding, I had to get the kids up, which was a chore in itself.

I walked up the stairs to the third floor and knocked on the first door.

"Come in," Roman's voice said loud and clear.

I peeked my head in. "Just coming to see if you were awake."

"Of course." His ten-year old self stood in front of the mirror, and he fixed his tie. His shoes were shined and his shirt was neatly pressed.

He looked more like Justin every day. I could always count on him to be the most prepared of all my children. His grades were exceptional, his room was always pristine, his goals were always set, and it scared me sometimes how smart he was. He retained facts and could spit them out during any conversation. On top of all that, Roman was likable. His smile was blinding and he had a draw to him that made people just feel relaxed. I couldn't explain it.

Pattie warned me that Justin was the same way, so I should watch out as Roman got older.

"Do I look okay?" He turned around and tried to fix his hair. It was just as unruly as Justin's as well, but with my dark coloring.

"You look so handsome. Just like your father."

"Really?" His golden eyes shined. "I think so too."

I laughed at his youthful energy. "Why don't you go downstairs and help Katy Nana with breakfast?"

"Okay, Mom. I will in a little bit." He went over to his bed, preparing to make it up.

Everything in his room had to be just right, not a book or pencil out of place. It worried me out motivated Roman was at some times. I felt like he was growing up way too fast. But Justin encouraged his independence. I just hoped that Roman would just take a little time to be a kid. He was only ten, after all.

I shut the door and left him to his morning routine before crossing the hall to Sophia's room. It was painted in light pastel colors of nothing in particular, but the walls were covered in posters. She was sprawled out in bed, her hair falling out of the ponytail she slept in.

I shook her body. "Sophia, it's time to get up."

She groaned.

"Sophia, we have to get to the wedding on time."

There Will Be Freedom (not mine)Where stories live. Discover now