Chapter Eight: Stay Away from Georgie

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John gives Martha some money for food shopping the following morning. She decides to take Rachel with her so she has someone to help with the grocery bags. They take a taxi since Martha lost her license years ago speeding while she was drunk.

As the two of them enter the food market a man in a green shirt and beige khaki pants greets them. "Welcome to Price Chopper," he says proudly.

Marth nods her head at the man, giving him a half smile. She sends Rachel over to pick up a few apples and when Rachel returns Martha notices her arm.

"What are those marks on your arm?" Martha asks. She leans on the cart and examines Rachel's arms.

"That's from my friend, Georgie," she says normally. "I gave him some blood because he needs it to survive."

If you were a mother what would you say to that? Wouldn't you say something about that? Martha smiles then shakes her head. "Boy, you have some imagination in you." She walks away and Rachel follows behind her.

"He's great mom," she holds on to the shopping cart so she can catch up with her mother. "He says he'll bring dad back. But we have to trade."

"Mhm, trade what?" Marth asks even though she could care less.

"John." Rachel smiles. "We can have daddy back if we give John to Georgie."

Martha frowns. "That's enough nonsense," she says.

"But mommy-"

Martha grabs Rachel by the shoulder. "Stay away from this Georgie. You're talking crazy. There's no such thing as Georgie." 

Rachel stands and watches as her mother turns into the next isle. There is indeed a Georgie and Rachel knew very well she isn't imagining him.

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