Chapter Twelve: Blue

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Rachel and Christopher watch four fantastic episodes of Steven universe. However, Rachel can't enjoy the show because Martha keeps asking where is John. Rachel only gives her the same answer. 

"Georgie has him, mommy."

"Bring him back," Martha says.

Rachel frowns. "I can't. Georgie has him."

Martha bites her lip. "There is no such this as Georgie." She says then gets up and runs upstairs. Rachel hears her slam the door.

"You believe me about Georgie, right?" Rachel asks.

"Of course I do." her father replies. He faces the TV but Rachel continues to stare at him. She tries to look through his dark shades. Usually, when you're up close to a person and look at their shades you can see eyes. Rachel didn't see any.

"Daddy, what's your favorite color?" She asks.

"Blue." Christopher turns off the TV and kisses Georgie goodnight. 

"It's only 7:30 PM. I want to watch TV with you." Rachel pokes out her lip. "One more hour. Pleeeease?"

Christopher takes his time as he walks up the stairs. Rachel frowns and she's almost about to cry. She feels a hand slowly rests on her shoulder. Nearly jumping out of her skin, Rachel looks behind her and gasps. Georgie is nearly six feet tall and he has hair. Black short hair...just like John's. For the first time she sees eyebrows on him too. He's gaining human features but Rachel wonders how.

"Wow. You're so tall." Rachel says.

"Indeed." Georgie's voice is deeper than usual. "Why don't you come downstairs. Play with me a little bit."

Georgia sits on the ground next to Rachel. "Why the long face? I thought you would be happy." he says.

Rachel sighs. "He's not my daddy."

Georgie frowns. "Of course he is."

Rachel shakes her head and looks at the ground. "It's silver." She looks at Georgie. "His favorite color is silver. He said blue when I asked him."

Georgie shrugs and gives her a smile. "Maybe he changed his mind."

"And he doesn't have eyes." she feels the cold shiver down her spine. Just her saying that scares her.

"Perhaps his glasses are too dark." Georgie says with a wide smile on his face.

Rachel stands up. "I don't think so." She then runs upstairs and closes the basement door behind her swearing to herself that she would never return.

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