chapter 15: Dark Blaq once again

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" got those?" Rukia asked as she looked at the wrist items (in the special chapter) on Hanafi's wrist.
"Yeah I know. Pretty cool huh?" He said, grinning.

"Hey....that looks exactly like Ultraman Nexus' arm wrists," Diake said, upon closer inspection.
"Oh yeah. Now that you mention it, it does," Hanafi said, looking at it.

(I really love Ultraman Nexus okay?!!!)

"Hey c'mon. We're gonna be late for class," Rukia said.
"Says the girl who's gonna sleep in the infirmary," Diake muttered, before running to class, Hanafi closely following.

Time skip

Hanafi sighed as he packed up his belongings and went to the house, but when he got there, he was surprised to find out no one was home or returned.

He then saw Hiruyu, who released a somewhat dark aura. "Uh...Hiruyu?" He asked, slowly approaching.

"Cardfight me," said Hiruyu.
"Huh?" Hanafi asked, confused.
"I said, cardfight me," Hiruyu said once again.

After slight hesitation, he agreed as he set up.



"Little Knight, Ocen!" (G-0, 5000)

"Corrupt Deadly Sin, Jealousy!" (G-0, 4000)

"Dark Blaq?" He thought out loud. Hiruyu snickered.

"I'm going first. Draw and ride Teenage Knight, Ocen. (G-1, 6000) Ocen moves back and I use Ocen's skill. Discard and draw two cards and end turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Draw and ride Corrupt Deadly Sin, Lust! (G-1, 7000) Jealousy moves back and boosted by Jealousy, Lust attacks!" Hiruyu exclaimed.
"No guard," Hanafi simply replied.
"Drive trigger check. (Blaster Blade *Corrupted) tch. No trigger."

"Damage check. (True Bond-Maker Knight, Wan) no trigger," Hanafi said. He felt that she was possessed and he'll try to prove it.
"End turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Soul: 0

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Young Adult Knight, Ocen! (G-2, 9000) I call Soulful Knight, D.Vo (G-1, 5000) and use it's skill. It goes into the soul and I choose a card in the deck and put it into the soul," he said, as he grabbed his deck and picked a card named Teenage Knight, Ocen and slid it into the soul and shuffled his deck.

"Now my Vanguard Ocen attacks! (9000)"


"Hey why do I get a bad feeling back at the house?" Hiyoku asked Diake and Mishiga. They were in Card Capital 2.
"I don't know and I don't care," Diake replied. Mishiga fell asleep at the corner, since he claimed he had 'wasted too much energy talking nonsense since you came here, Hiyoku'.


Hand: 6
Damage: 3
Soul: 6
Currently Vanguard: Breaker Knight of Limits, Limut
G's used: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 5
Soul: 0
Current Vanguard: True Darkness Knight, Lugiel
G's used: 2

"Stand and draw. Liberate the Generation Zone! The darkness is the way of purity! Generation Stride! Knight of Infinite Darkness Blade, Ocen *Blaq!! (G-4, +15000)"
"What" Hanafi was dumbfounded by this.

"I use Ocen's skill. Counter blast 1 and he'll retire your Blaster Blade Origin!" She said as Hanafi retired Blaster Blade Origin.
"Boosted by Darkness Son, Ocien, Ocen attack! (34000)"
"No guard," he replied sternly.

"Triple drive. (Savage Knight, Croit, critical) critical trigger. Five thousand to Daka and critical stays to my vanguard. Second. (True Darkness Knight, Lugiel) third. (Blaster Blade *Corrupted) no trigger."
"Shoot. Damage check. (Charging Dragon) second. (Draco Knight, Luta) no trigger."
"Since the attack went through....I end turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 5
Soul: 6

Hand: 8
Damage: 5
Soul: 0

"Stand and draw..."
'What this....?' He thought out of shock.
"He appears to bring the true justice and light unto the galaxy! Ride! True Exculpate, The Blaster Origin! (G-3, 12000) Liberate the Generation Zone! Reach the heights of the new God!! Generation Stride! True Exculpate, The Blaster God! (G-4, +15000) I use its skill. Counter blast 3 and I retire Luta and Irregular Knight of Sins and it will attack all of your rear-guards and it gets 2000 for every card in the soul!! (Blaster God: 38000)"

"Ya know. This attack will help you realize who I care! You're included, Hiruyu! Blaster God, attack! Full Purification Slash!! (38000)"

"M-me?" Hiruyu stuttered. 'Wait...does this mean he...?'
"Hiruyu...I can't help but admit this...I really like you!" Hanafi exclaimed without any feeling of shame.

"Damage check..... (Rider of Darkness) I lost....but it doesn't matter....because I like you too," she said, smiling before she fainted.

Hanafi had grabbed her before he fell. "Wow...she really was possessed..."
May HiruFi be canon after this weird thingamajig.

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