Chapter 7

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The sirens blared as the HPD vehicle rushed down the street towards the suspects house.Sargent Quigley briefed Sarah on the suspect. He was a middle aged man named Chin Aun, who's fingerprints and blood had been found at a the spot of a murder. A note had also been left in the victims house addressed to his wife that read 'we need to talk, meet me at my place. Come alone.'. The woman hadn't been seen in three days. She was suspected to have been taken hostage or killed.
They pulled up to the house. Sargent Quigley took his gun out of its holster and put on a bulletproof vest.
"Stay here, okay. Put on that vest and have your gun ready, just in case." He told Sarah. He then left.
Sarah could see clearly through the front window. What she saw shocked her.  The suspect had a gun pointed at his hostage with Sargent Quigley standing still, gun pointing at him. Unfortunately he couldn't take a shot, for fear the hostage's life would be put in mor danger. It was a scary sight.
Sarah didn't remember thinking about what she did next. It was a move that removed all young innocence from her. She got out of the car and ran around to the back of the house. When she got there, she quietly opened the door. She creaped inside and ducked behind the island. About three meters away from the island was the hostage taker. She jumped up and turned, in an expert move and shot the hostage takers two arms and the had with the gun in it. The hostage taker screamed out in pain and let go of the hostage and the gun. Sargent Quigley quickly moved in and handcuffed him. The Sargent then called for a back up car to take him away. When the car came and Chin Aun the hostage taker had been taken away. The Sargent came back in to Sarah.
"What you just did was an amazing act of courage and bravery. It may not have been what I told you to do, but it was amazing. It's hard enough for an adult to have the courage to pull the trigger, but your nine. Not only did you have the courage to pull the trigger, but you aimed so perfectly. You managed to knock the gun out of his hand and disable his arms so he couldn't strangle or punch the hostage. When I agreed to let you come and see what Five-0 do, I thought you'd be a normal young girl, not a nine year old with better aim than most cops achieve in their lifetime. You're astonishing."
"Thank you sir." Sarah said with an ear to ear grin.
"You don't have to call me sir, that's for people who rank lower than me. You rank higher than me. Because of your immense bravery I think you deserve the biggest reward ever. Unfortunately for now all you can have, is the honour of being a Five-0 agent, and all agents have a badge." Sargent Quigley announced, then he handed her a shiny gold Five-0 badge.
"Thank you so much!" Sarah said to him, still with an ear to ear grin.
"You've earned it. Only six people have that badge. Well, now there's seven. Welcome to the team, Commander Sarah Crehan"
Sarah was the happiest she'd ever felt. She went from a nine year old hacker and snitch to a high ranking Commander in an elite force of police officers. Sarah's train of thought was cut off when she saw through the window, a man wielding a knife heading towards Sargent Quigley. Yet again, Sarah didn't think. She bolted out the door then shouted to Sargent Quigley. The knife wielded turned his head only to find three bullets in his head.
"Holy Cow. You saved my life! Thank You!" said Sargent Quigley, shocked at Sarah's amazing aim and reaction.
"No problem" Sarah replied trembling.

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