Chapter 15

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Once again, the planes wheels lifted into the air, to take them to the third destination of the trip. Sarah was staring out the window, trying to figure out where they'd go next. James sat down beside her.
"Hey, what are you looking at."
"The most interesting view ever." Sarah grinned. James didn't see her grin though.
"Sarah...its just clouds"
Sarah laughed. Molly came over, and sat down next to sarah.
"Whats funny."
"I tricked james."
"Okay...want to know where were going." James said, annoyed at being fooled so easily.
"Yes please."
"So, think sunshine and sandy beaches. Its really warm. Then you realise you've been tricked by james."
"Just tell me."
"Nah, i was telling the truth, its Madagascar."
"Oh cool"

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