Chapter 9

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They walked outside to see what was out there. The first thing they came across was a massive area covered with AstroTurf. It appeared to the gaa, soccer, American football, baseball and hockey pitches, and there were two of each. The next thing they noticed was a fenced of Forrest area. On the edge of the fence there was a small building that had armoury written on it. It was obviously laser tag, and also by the looks of things, paintball. James had eyes for the karting track next to it though, or the good looking assistant at the booth, who could tell. They could also see the playground which was about the size of a full size soccer pitch and it still looked squished in together. There were stables as well and a grass tennis court. The swimming pool, badminton, volleyball, basketball, Gaelic handball and pool and snooker tables were all indoors. Apparently the biking was at the back of this vast sports complex.
After a lot of deliberation they decided to start off with karting, then they'd play laser tag and when they finished they're they'd play a game of American football with other kids that were out. When they were finished the decided they'd show off and play hurling, then they'd go inside for a dip in the pool and a game of snooker. With only seven hours until dinner, it'd be a tight squeeze to fit them all in.
When they arrived at the karting, Sarah had to explain the whole,no adult thing to the girl at the booth who radioed her colleagues to explain the situation so Sarah wouldn't have to explain it every time, all she had to do was have her badge on display.
James was by far the most competitive and when he was about to lose on the last lap of there race he 'lost control' and rammed Sarah who was ahead. Unfortunately this meant Molly whizzed by and James ended up coming last. It also meant they weren't allowed another race for the day so that gave them a lot more time to do the rest.
When they reached laser tag, Sarah took a quick glance at the playing field and immediately came up with her battle plan. They were put in a special uniform that detects the lasers and were allowed to pick their gun. They had a choice between a pistol, a sniper, a shotgun or a semi automatic. James picked the semi-auto and started to brag that he'd win because he'd just spray bullets everywhere until he hit them. Sarah pointed out he'd have to reload every ten seconds but that didn't down his spirits. Molly picked the pistol and claimed it was the best weapon because she could shoot more accurate and could move around easier because it was so light. A boy joining them called Arak picked the shotgun because he thought it looked cool. Sarah picked the sniper, and also claimed it was because of the coolness, but, it was more to do with her battle plan.
The kids went into the arena and picked there positions to start at. James picked a pirate ship and climbed up to the crows nest. Molly picked a tower and climbed to the top. Arak picked a house, and climbed to the second floor window. Sarah picked behind a pile of sandbags. The problem for the other three was that they were in things positioned at the bottom of a hill, Sarah had picked the top. When they were told they were allowed to shoot, Molly fired two shots at James then started to descend the tower. James started by spraying bullets at Molly and Arak. Arak ducked into his window, and bobbed out every now and then and fired a shot or two at James who now focused his fire on Molly who was trying to get to Sarah at the top of the hill. All the while Sarah steadied herself, took her time aiming, then fired three shots at his head, which was enough to knock him out. Sarah then moved her gun and aimed down toward Molly who was running up the hill firing blindly. Because of James earlier onslaught Molly was low on health points. Sarah quickly fired a shot at her head and knocked her out. Now only Arak and Sarah remained. Sarah was caught off guard and took a hit from him straight after she knocked out Molly. Sarah was prepared though for the next timed he bobbed and she fired a round that scared him back into his window. When Sarah couldn't see him anymore she got suspicious. She looked up only to be hit by two more of Arak's rounds. Sarah was now low on health points and could see that there was a crowd outside expecting her to outwit him and win. That's when she thought up her new battle plan. It was do or die, it could also be do and die. It was a risky and reckless plan but it was all she could do. Then she noticed it, there was a mirror in the room Arak was in. If she could get him to line up perfectly so she could bounce a shot off the mirror and hit him. It was much better than her previous plan.when he looked around again she fired around that scared him back unknowingly into the path of her next shot. Sarah quickly took aim and fired a round. It worked. She knocked him out and won.
When Sarah reached the bottom the crowd that had gathered cheered. There were now adults and children joining the game to compete with her. She asked the man in the armoury for a semi-auto this time. She would need to be able to constantly fire with fifteen people playing. She thought a new battle plan quickly and set to action. She had seen a bunker when she was up the top. The entrance had been small so it would be easy to defend.
It was. Sarah used it for three rounds and won all of them. Eventually James got her to stop accepting praise and come play American football.
The kids had never played properly, but knew the rules. Arak joined there team and they played with four kids from Washington.
"Look boys, the Irish and the Indian think they can beat us, and what's more, they expect to do it with two girls. Not to bad looking though. Well, suppose we better take them to school." One of the American boys said
This triggered Sarah and Molly. Molly lunged, only to be blocked by James but, Sarah stood in place and glared deep into his smug eyes. She was going to destroy him.
"This one knows she's gonna lose" the same boy said pointing at Sarah.
Sarah didn't reply, she just set up her team. Sarah wasn't that sporty, but she was strong. Strong enough to be able to throw the ball a good distance. Since it was a four aside game, they played on the miniature pitch. They decided on the team name. They were the Mongolian-Irish destroyers. Sarah was going to receive the snap, which arak would do, then either side of Arak stood James and Molly. The game would be first to 25 points.
"Ready...set...snap! Yelled Sarah.
Arak threw the ball back to her and she backed up a few steps allowing James to block the two oncoming Redskins (the Washington American football team is called the Redskins) who were trying to take down Sarah. This also gave Molly a chance to run on so she could receive the ball. Because Molly was very athletic, she easily outran the two Redskins trying to defend from her. Sarah threw the ball. It went the required distance and more, in fact it resulted in Molly catching it in the end zone and scoring a touchdown. Twenty minutes later Molly had the chance to win the game. The score was 21-22. All they needed was a field goal, and Molly was going to kick it. Arak threw it back to Sarah, who held it steady with her finger so Molly could kick it. She messed up. It went soaring high into the sky and didn't look like it was going to make it. Fortunately the height of the kick gave Sarah enough time to run and catch then carry it into the end zone for a touchdown.
"Beaten by two Irish girls, an Irish boy and a Mongolian boy. Ouch! Better not let word of this spread in Washington." Sarah laughed.
They went off to the gaa pitch and started hitting the ball to each other. A few minutes in to this, the Americans came back and started trying to show off by hitting the Boyle over the bar. Unfortunately they didn't know that Molly had won 3.All-Ireland camogie (women's hurling) championships. Two with her club, one with her county. This had earned her a junior All-Star. The very idea that these American kids who were barely able to get it over inside the box. Molly went and stood in the box.
"Get out of the way!" The Americans shouted.
"I'm just gonna try puck it over"
"Your in front of the goals, that's easy."
"Don't count on it." Sarah said slyly.
"What?" The boy from earlier asked. But before Sarah could answer Molly gave the ball an almighty whack. Instead though of going over the bar she was beside, it soared over the bar on the opposite end of the pitch.
"Told ya!" Sarah laughed.

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