8: Impossible

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Amy's pov

"Okay, never have I ever, broke the law." I smirked and put a finger down.

Sonic did too and gasped,"What law did you break?"

"I spray painted a store then took a necklace." I shrugged.

"Heh, I did worse. I robbed a lamp." Sonic admitted.

We sat in silence for about 5 seconds then bursted out laughing.

"No I'm joking, but I stole a car." He smiled.

"Okay. Your turn." I nodded.

"Never have I ever, broke a promise." Sonic whistled.

I kept my fingers up and growled at Sonic. "PUT THAT FINGER DOWN YOU SON OF A BITCH."

"FINE." Sonic puts his finger down and sticks his tongue out.

"Never have I ever, fell in love." I didn't want to put my finger down but I did.

I watch Sonic and he out his finger down. I gasped.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Well, it was a girl I use to know before we drifted apart." Sonic sighed.

"Mine was with a boy I once knew before he replaced me with his rich." I looked away.

"Guess we both got heart broken huh?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Guess we did." I smiled.

"Never have I ever smoked." He grinned.

"I'm not dropping my finger because I don't smoke." I frowned.

"I'll do it. I'll admit it. I smoke only when I'm stressed." He shrugged.

"Who cares. Smoking is bad. You should know better." I crossed my hands across my chest.

"Eh. I didn't know better since no one taught me." Sonic said.

"Maybe you learned from the wrong people." I said.

"Maybe. Could you teach me to live like back then? I miss hanging with tails and everything." He groans.

"Fine fine. But you owe me in the end." I warned him.

"Alright. When do we start?!" He said excited.

"Tomorow. It's 7pm right now. Good night." I Walked off to my room and he chases me.

"Where do I sleep?!" He panicks.

"In the front room. Duh." I rolled my eyes.

"But it's scary in there and I don't like being alone." He frowns.

"Now your starting to sound like your 5. C'mon you big baby." I let him sleep at one end of my bed and he kept tossing and turning.


I wake up to Sonic mumbling in his sleep.

"Amy stap hitting meh.." Sonic mumbled.

'He's dreaming of me? What a wierdo.' I yawned and tried to sleep.

"Your lying. I love you...amy..don't go.." I see Sonic crying in his sleep.

I leaned over and pecked his cheek and whispered, "You'll never lose me."

I laid down and tears fell. 'No matter how much you break me.'

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