26:Enemies, scheznemies!!

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Sonic ' pov

"Amy cmon!" I growl and threw the phone at the wall. Emma may not be mine, but I want to be apart of her life! Amy and Emma are the only things I....like. I won't  say it!

Ding dong!

"Ugh who now!!" I stomped to the door and before zip tilted the knob, my door blew me back.

I coughed hard and looked up from my teary eyes. I saw a female hedgehog walk my way, holding a weapon. "Well well well! Lookin here!"

"Who are you?!" I stood up quickly.

The woman came closer and I got a closer look at her. She had pink eyes with shortish longish dark a little pink hair and red at the tips. She wore an black army suit and glared at me. "Bloodheart. NOW DIE."

She starts to shoot but I dodge and make a run for it. I knock my wallet off but I don't  stop running. I run all the way to Tails to get away from her.

Bloodheart's  pov

   Ugh he got away!! I reloaded my weapon and started to walk away when I noticed a brown wallet on the floor. I scooped it up and scavaged  through it. I  find a picture of a pink rose with green eyes, a hedgehog with purple hair and green eyes, and him in it. I find the girls address and type it into my GPS.

Amy's  pov

   "Mama  I want Daddy to do the rocketship!!" Emma giggles and continues to draw.

"Daddy is busy." I sighed and continued to do dishes. I started doing dishes when I heard sniffling.

I turned around and saw Emma shedding tears down her face. "Baby what's  wrong?" I place my dish rag down and knelt beside her.

"It's  just, I always see you and daddy never acting like a couple. What's wrong  with daddy momma? Why don't  you love him?" Emma sniffs.

"Daddy and I are just working things out, okay?" I hate to see the poor thing red eyes and stuffy nose.

She nods and wraps her small arms around my neck and I hold her tightly to me.

"Can I go to creams house?" Emma asks.

"Sure. After I get done with dishes." I kissed her cheek and walked back.


I opened the door and let Emma run off to Cream. "CREAM CREAM!!" Emma screamed.

"Emma!!" Cream hugs her tight. Emma laughs and smiles," Mommy let me visit!"

"I see! Wanna help me make cookies?" Creams grins. Emma nods and they both run off.

Mrs. Vanilla chuckles and hugs me,"Hi sweetheart, how y all  been?"

"Could've  been better or worse. Sonic has been gone all day  and Emma keeps asking for him." I sighed.

"It'll  get better,dear." Vanilla smiles slyly. Just as she said that, the door bell rings. "HM who could that be?"

We walk to the door and Vanilla opens it. A female hedgehog sees me and pops her gum,"Are you the woman in this picture?"

"Yes. That's Sonic's wallet, How'd  you get it?!" I asked.

"He dropped it. I was wanting to return it- Is that cookies I smell?!" The girl grins.

"Thanks and yes it is! Come on in!" Mrs. Vanilla smiles.

"I'm  Bloodheart the hedgehog. "Bloodheart walks to the kitchen with us.

"I'm Amy and that's  Vanilla, Cream, and my daughter Emma." I pointed.

Bloodheart stared at the little girl,"Looks so much like her father...huh?"

"Yeah. She's  only got my eyes so, I guess I get half the deal." I chuckled.

"Have you heard from Sonic?" Bloodheart asked.

"Noped. Not at all today." I said.

"Hm. Funny, I paid him a visit earlier." Bloodheart tapped her chin.

"Is he ok?" I frowned. If he talked to her, then why not me or Emma?!?!

"Oh yes. In fact, he loves how his life is right now. He's  happy, single, alone, and said he doesn't  have to worry about distractions." Bloodheart eyes Emma.

Emma wasn't  listening and I was happy she wasn't. Which until I dropped the cup in my hand and it broke. "He said what!!!"


Was it too much dramatic? I really tried and I'm looking for someone who is an artist and can create my characters for me. Just my crush and i. Simple. Also comment, vote, and read. Enjoy dorks!!!@

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