The last Chapter. Or is it?

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I woke up to banging in my head, and someone shouting from behind my door. I looked around completely dazed from where I am. Tables are everywhere, along with machines, and a view of earth is in my sight. I don't understand where I am. The banging sounds again and  I hurry to the view of earth. Why am I here? Where am  I ? Someone shouts and I hurry under the table. The door busts down.

"Where is she? Find her! If she gets away who knows what will happen?" The voice hissed.

I clutched my arms  to my face and hoped he wouldn't catch me. When they left them room, I searched for a knife and snuck to their door. Hopefully they were gone by now. I crept quietly through their hallway and stopped when I heard foot steps. 

"Maybe she's at their pods?" A guard suggested. 

"Let's go check it out." They other one said. They ran off.

I look left then right then hurry to their next room and see a wierd looking machine that looks familiar. I close the door behind me and glance around them room for some clues. It appears  that some of it shows memory erase and memory concluded. 

I typed in my names in their data base and  it shows a file with my names on it. I click on it and different memories are shown. I want them back. I click random buttons til then machine starts to haywire  then explodes. My headache hurts as I rose up then my memories rushed back really quick. Tears came down my face real quick and tried to held onto each one of them like are flowers flying away.

"I heard something!" Someone shouted.

I run to their window and stopped when I realized I was trapped. Someone stopped moving behind me. I turned around  and it was then person who kidnapped me. "So you got your memory back?"

"Why did you erase it? Why?!" I hissed. I held their knife up.

"Trust me amy, it was for the best." Scourge smiled coldly.

"For me it wasn't !  You took me away from my family! Stole me from my life!" I screamed.

"Now now amy, you're  part in this play isn't over." Scourge held a finger in the air and motioned them forward.

"Stay away from me or I'll kill myself!" I threatened.

"Amy why are you so content?" Scourge pouted. "We will let you see your family again."

I almost believed him. Until the guards grabbed me and tightened their grip,"Just not as a living girl." He grinned evily

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