11: It's like not love!

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Sonic's pov

  I wait for Amy to wake up and Tail's hands me a cup of tea. "It's been two hours."

"I know. Maybe she's tired Sonic." Tails suggested.

"Maybe. I'm gonna get some rest. Watch for her." I nodded at Amy then went upstairs.

I turn the Tv on and saw pictures of me carrying Amy and of us two at the door with messed up hair.

"Oh no.." I looked down. "What will Sally say now."

"OH SHII I FORGOT ABOUT HER." I start to call Sally but she calls me.

I answer and try to explain, but I hear moaning on the other side of the phone.

"Oh Harriet you monster..."Sally moaned.

I grew angry and hanged up. She was cheating on me. 'Should've never trusted her.'

Tails pov

I was fixing my jet when Amy finally wakes up.

"HEY Ames. Finally awake?" I smiled.

"Yeah." She yawned and I handed her tea.

"Sonic's upstairs if you wanna see him. "I suggested.

"Yes I do." Amy said. She walks upstairs slowly and I frown.

I hurried to my station and took one glance at her DNA. It changed.

It looked as if the purple cells were consuming her cells.

"AMY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I heard Sonic scream and I ran upstairs.

I see Amy getting held back from Sonic and there's a gun on the ground.

"Help Tails!" Sonic hisses and  I carry Amy back down.

I tie her up and she tries to get free. "Sonic, what hjapoened?!"

"I don't know! I go to say how she's doing and she points a gun at me and things got crazy from that point on!" Sonic threw his hands up.

"Something is wrong with her. It has to be that injection Eggman implanted in her." I studied her DNA.

"Why did he inject her? I don't get it." Sonic stared at Amy.

"Maybe he saw how y'all drifted apart and he's trying to keep it that way!" I gasped.

"Or, he's trying to kill me." Sonic tilted his head.

"Sonic, if I can find a cure for this, I would." I frowned.

"But...?" Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"It could take days or months before I finish." I rubbed my neck.

"I don't care. As long as we got a cure for her, I'll be happy." Sonic looks at amy sadly.

"Sonic, I think you love Amy.." I smiled.

"LIKE. not LOVE. LIKE." Sonic snapped.

"Ok ok! I'm calling knuckles and the boys." I tell him and grab my telephone.

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