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I called Tails up but he didn't answer. I left him a voice mail and sped faster to the place. When we arrive, I tell Emma to wait in the car for me. I get out and walk slowly to them.

Scourge smiled at me,"Sonic! What a surprise! Its been years since I've seen you!"

"Where is she? Is this a joke Scourge?!" I hiss.

"Oh no! She's alive!" Scourge snapped his fingers and a pink hedgehog is thrown out of the door.

I run to her and scoop her up. "Amy?!" She raised her head up groaning.

When opened her eyes I knew something wasn't right. Her eyes were dialated. "Sonic. You came."

"What's wrong Amy? What have they done to you?!" I ask.

"Run." She whispers. She screams and shoves me away from her. She stands up slowly and her nails extend. Her eyes grew black and she hissed.

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