29:In or not

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(Amy POV)

I couldn't believe what he did! How could I be so stupid?!

I clenched my fists and bloodheart seemed pleased. "Now miss Amy, I really want to help you."

But yet, Sonic has been close to Emma. Could he have said that about her? "Out. Get out."

Bloodheart looked confused,"Miss Amy what are you implying."

"I am not in. Good day Bloodheart!" I try to shove her out.

Bloodheart sighs,"I really didn't want to have to do this."

I didn't know what she meant til she stuck a gun to my neck and presses the trigger. I fell paralyzed to the floor and I could only talk.

Bloodheart puts her gun back,"Where's the child. I can lure him out with her."

"Don't get near my child!"I hissed.

"Oh I won't hurt the kid. That's a promise."she reloads her gun,"I'll just take her to the towers."


Bloodheart looks up then she disappears upstairs. Five minutes later she enters and looks disappointed

"Your daughter is Gone miss Rose. But I advise you that I need bait." She studies me. "Ah, but you could do just well."

I looked up at her and prayed my daughter was ok.

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