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Sonics POV

"Sonic!Sonic!" I heard a voice yell.

Tails and I exchange looks and soon it's Cream and Emma.

I gasp and scoop Emma up,"Oh my god, Emma!"

"Daddy!"she cheers and holds onto me.

"Where's Amy?"Tails asked.

"She was left with Miss Bloodheart."Cream said.

I froze,"Bloodheart. The tracker. She got Amy."

Coming live from CNN news, a woman is dangling from the top of a sky scrapper. It appears another woman is standing on the crane with a megaphone.

Bloodheart: attention Sonic the hedgehog! If you ever want to see your beloved Amelia rose, then I suggest you get over here. Fast. Or else Miss Rose will shed more than just a heart.

Tails shuts the TV off and I about dropped Emma. "We cannot take her on alone."

"Your right. We need to call the gang. Cream, take Emma to your house and don't let her out." I put Emma down.

"Your not going with us daddy?"Emma frowns.

"I'm sorry Baby, daddy has to go." I smiled sweetly.

Emma looked like she was going to cry but she nodded and went with cream.

Once they left, Tails looks at me. "Who do we call?"

I looked back at him,"Everyone."

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