Chapter Five- Boys

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Jack woke up in a cold sweat. He shuddered, looking around the half-dark room. The sun was rising over Los Angeles, trees outside casting shadows in the guest room. Jack wiped away the sweat on his forehead, searching for movement in the empty room. Nothing. There never was anyone. A small knock on the door made Jack jump, a quiet squeak escaping his lips.

"Jack, you up?" Mark asked from the other side of the door.


"Alright. I'm cooking breakfast!" He hollered, walking away.

Jack rolled out from beneath the fluffy, white comforters, stretching his tired limbs, a loud yawn escaping his lips. He stood up, his bare feet patting against the hardwood floor, as he made his way to the bedroom door. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he grabbed the doorknob with his free hand. A chill shot up his spine, making him freeze in place, eyes wide in fear. He could feel a presence hovering behind him, breathing against his neck, but he couldn't face it.

Jackaboy... an airy voice echoed in his head. Jack jumped, quickly pulling the door open. He stumbled out into the hall, the smell of bacon instantly relieving him. The chill was gone, but he couldn't push aside the uncomfortable feeling in his gut. The voice in his head.

"There's my little sleepy head!" Mark said warmly, waving a spatula in Jack's direction.

Mark was flipping pancakes at the stove, and motioned to a plate of bacon on the counter. Stools lined the kitchen counter, so Jack took a seat right in front of the plate of bacon. Mark piled the last pancake on the already too full plate, and slid it onto the counter. Jack munched on a piece of bacon, watching Mark's every fluid movement. He grabbed a bottle of syrup, a tub of butter, and two plates, humming all the while. He pulled out two forks, and a knife for the butter, and set them on the counter.

"You know, you'd make a good housewife, Markimoo," Jack mumbled through a mouthful of bacon.

"Oh shut up," Mark laughed, ruffling Jack's green mess of hair.

Jack slid a pancake onto his plate and three pieces of bacon, then grabbed the syrup. He popped open the cap, and drenched his plate. Mark eyed him oddly, but Jack just flashed him a big goofy smile.

"You'll kill yourself with all that sugar," Mark pointed out, cutting into his plain pancake.

"And you'll kill yourself out of living so boringly!" Jack hollered, pouring some syrup onto Mark's plate.

"You'll be the death of me," Mark laughed, dipping a piece of the pancake into the syrup.

"I know," Jack smiled.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know! You shipped me over!"

"I just wanted to see you. I never said I had anything planned."

"Can we walk down Downtown Disney?"

"You're such a child," Mark teased.

"You love it," Jack laughed, taking a dramatic bite out of a piece of bacon.

Mark laughed, and slid his empty plate into the sink. He walked around the other side of the counter, and sat in the stool beside Jack. Jack almost choked on a piece of bacon when Mark set a warm hand on his bare knee. Jack only had on a pair of black boxers, and a t-shirt, and was beginning to feel very exposed. He caught Mark's warm, brown eyes, the serious look on his face making him a little nervous.



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just... it's great to see you, Sean."

Jack shuddered, and looked away, trying to hide his blush. He preferred Jack, but loved hearing his real name come out of Mark's mouth.

"I missed you, Mark."

Mark smiled, a heart melting, precious smile. He leaned forward a little in his stool, the gap between him and Jack growing smaller. Jack tensed, breaths heavy.

"Mark," Jack whispered, voice shaky.

"Jack," Mark whispered, his deep, rustic voice making Jack squirm.

Jack laughed nervously, and managed to slide out of his stool and away from Mark.

"Jack," Mark groaned, rubbing his temple.

"I better go take a shower," Jack blurted, stumbling to the bathroom down the hall, wanting to wash away the sins running through his mind.

Please, leave comments! Tell me how y'all feel. Adios fellow shippers...

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