Chapter Seven- Booper Dooper

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Jack and Mark walked around the park, hand and hand. People stared, some in happiness, others in disgust. The boys didn't care. It was 2016, and people needed to get over it already. However, when a worker at the Starbucks near Soarin' Over California confronted the couple, Mark snapped.

"You can't tell us how to act!" Mark growled, squeezing Jack's hand outstretched across the table.

Jack flushed, embarrassed by the immediate attention drawn to them. The young worker cleared his throat, scratching his arm nervously. His dark eyes met Mark's, but he immediately looked away.

"I'm sorry... it's what we're told-"

"Screw this! You want to attract people all over the world, and you can't even let people be themselves! This is stupid!" Mark yelled, standing from the table.

"I- I'm..."

"Mark, relax. It's okay," Jack whispered, standing up beside Mark. "He's sorry. You can see that. He doesn't want to get fired for not telling you what he has to."

Mark sighed, resting his forehead on Jack's shoulder for a moment. Then he looked back up, and grabbed the worker's arm, eyes burning holes into the boy.

"Mark!" Jack yelped, grabbing Mark's waist.

"You can't tell my Jackaboy how to live, you irreconcilable fag!" Mark hissed, his voice dark. Haunting.

The worker looked crushed, and walked away, holding back taunting tears. Jack let go of Mark and stepped away from him, breath shaky, blue eyes wide. Mark ran fingers through his blood red hair, an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Mark groaned, stepping forward.

"Mark. That... that wasn't you," Jack said, shaking his head sadly.

"Hmm..." Mark purred, taking another step forward.

Jack's stepped back, and was met with an unsuspected wall. Mark swept forward, resting a strong hand on Jack's chest. Jack's breath cut from his lungs, entire body tense under Mark's cold touch.


"Sean... I don't want you to fear me, my little bean..."

Mark looked away, sighing deeply, "I'm sorry, Jack. Let's get out of here, okay?" He smiled weakly at Jack, a sad look in his eyes.


Mark took Jack's hand gently and pulled him back outside, the fresh air, and warm sun warm against their skin. Jack studied Mark's breaths. The way he bit his lip as he thought.

"What ride do you want to go on now, Booper Dooper?"

Jack chuckled at the name. "You pick, Markimoo."

Sorry bout the short update. Promise more later. Noticing something strange about Mark? Hheheh.... see you later fellow shippers.

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