∆ 2n. Disagreement ∆

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Outfit (picture on side/top)

"Don't touch me."

"Fine," Michael huffed. "I'm going over Luke's. Just a heads up."

"I don't care where you go and who you see." Ashton bit his bottom lip and gazed down. He opened up Snapchat on his phone, sent a message to someone (Michael couldn't see their name), then closed the app.

Michael moaned. "Okay then. Um, I'll see you then. I might text you later. Uh, bye." He didn't get a response from his baby's other father, so he just stood up from the couch and left the house. He willed his tears away and only got in his car to drive to his friend's house.

Once he arrived, he sulked up to the front door. He knocked slowly. But then he noticed the doorbell and he felt like an idiot. Anyways, Luke opened the door and let him in.

"What's wrong, Mikey?" He asked as soon as they walked into the foyer.

Michael shrugged. Of course he wanted to tell him everything, but he was hurt. Especially since Ashton had been giving him the cold shoulder.

But he spoke softly, "Ash and I aren't together...and he's mad at me."


"Why aren't we together or why is he mad at me?"

"Well, I assume that he's mad because you aren't together, so why aren't you two dating anymore."

"We were never dating. But, yesterday I told us to take a little bit while he comes to terms with his attraction to boys. And I didn't mean for him to get upset but now I'm hurt because I like him a lot and he was so set on being straight and he knows that I'm not and I like him so I feel like he automatically went to me. No fear of rejection or anything." He took a deep breath. "But when he brought it up, it made it seem a lot...worse than I originally thought. Like he was telling me that he didn't do that on purpose, so it made me feel like an ass because I thought that and stuff." He gulped. "And now I–I really miss him. And I know it's been a day and I shouldn't be so distraught and all. But he was so mean when I was at his house. And I don't even know if it's gonna affect the baby in the long run how when she or he is born they'll know that their dads used to date and one of them hates the other and the other one loves them." He let his tears fall. "I love him. And I'm gonna have to raise this baby on my own."

"Hey, calm down. Stress isn't good for you or the baby. First off, he's as gay as my dick and second off, you aren't raising anyone alone. You could have triplets and you'd still have Cal and I a least."


"We could manage five if we really needed too. But I don't think so because of your bump." Luke yawned. "Wanna take a nap with me? A...friend is gonna come around 3 so I figured I'd wait while sleeping and then the three of us can play FIFA."

"I don't deserve sleep."

"Everyone does, Michael. C'mon, I'll even let you get the good pillow."

"The gel one?"

"The one and only...in my room."

"I don't deserve you."

"No one does, Michael."


"I'm so stupid." Ashton moped. He was laying down with Calum on his bed. He was the little spoon in their cuddling session. He had his phone under the pillow but he was still holding it. "I like him. For realsies."

"Don't say 'for realsies'. I know you like him. We can all see that. Ash, just give him time. He's hormonal and he's confused." Calum rested his head on his pillow more.

"Don't blame it on the pregnancy, he'd hate it if he heard you say that."

"I'm not. I'm saying to ease up. I love Michael, I do, I swear. But he's not as tough as he wants everyone to think. Well, he isn't as soft either but he needs someone to show him that he's okay. And we are all doing that by being his friend. I promise we're doing enough."

Ashton closed his eyes. "Should I just move on?"

"Mmm. Don't try to make him jealous."

"Not for jealousy. For me to move on from his cute butt."

"You do you. But don't act like it should be a secret and don't act like it's something to boast about. Remember, he's still a human being."

"Yeah. I was, um, texting Em. And she said that she wants to, uh, meet up...and talk."

"What?" Calum sat up, making Ashton open his eyes and roll onto his back.

"I'm texting Emmy. I just wanna hear her out. Nothing is gonna happen."

"Are you going to tell Mikey?"

"No? I don't need to tell him. It doesn't involve him and it isn't any of his business."

"You have to tell him. He's been keeping her away from you since she showed up at the ice cream shop." Calum put his hand down on the bed and leaned on it to keep up his weight. "He deserves it."

"Well, he deserves everything in this world except for two things. One, is apparently me, and two, is this."

Calum sighed. He fell back down next to Ashton. He whispered into his shoulder. "Ni is coming at around two thirty. If you wanna stay, that's cool. I'm sure it'd be nice to get a break from all the sex. Like it's amazing but I'm obsessed with him. So if you're there we'd be less likely to fuck with you in the room."

"I've got nothing better to do with my day. I'd third wheel without a problem." Ashton smiled up at Calum.


"Ashton, I need you."

"What? It's three in the morning. What are you talking about, Michael?"

"I need you to meet me at the southern hospital. Luke is driving me now."

"The hospital? Michael? Oh fuck–Calum's taking me. Tell me what happened."

"There's something–There is something wrong with the baby."

A/N- Hola!! Second part of the book (there'll be four). And I hate cliffhangers so this is rare btw^^^

Anywhore, there's a lot of dialogue in this one. Which wasn't planned. It just happens when I write. Next chapter will be the hospital. And after that, a texting chapter bc I miss them.

I will update soon but not too soon bc I need to make outfits for Michael for the next ten chapters at least. I stopped making them for a while bc I had enough. But I have one lefttttt. The struggle is real.👍

~Megan <3

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