∆ 2q. Dirty ∆

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"It was a mistake, Ashton."

"You don't have sex with someone by mistake!"

"How the fuck did I get pregnant then?"

"I was drunk. That's different because last night we were both sober."

"I wasn't thinking straight."

"You said yes! You invited me over your place. And we both agreed. You can't take it back now. Please, Michael. I know you said yes because if you said anything but, I would have stopped completely."

"I said yes. But I said that last night and I don't want this to change the fact that I need a break. I need a big break from you and relationships. I need time to think and you aren't giving it to me."

"I tried. I was pissed, what do you expect?"

"I'd expect you to understand. You're the older one, aren't you supposed to be the less annoying one?"

"I'm annoying? What about you, who fuckin' messes with my feelings all the damn time. No wonder I don't hate Emmy now."


Ashton blinked.

"What," he repeated.

"Emmy and I are...texting." Ashton's eyes widened as Michael stepped closer. "As in, completely platonic."

"Uh huh."

"I can't date her. I can't do it. Don't worry, because I don't want to get hurt again. It's happened too many times by her. She's just apologizing and I'm accepting it."

"She's a bitch."


"No!" Michael was fuming. Smoke would have come out of his ears if it were possible. "You tell me she fucking cheated on you then she makes me seem like a damn eff-word then you talk to her. Why? Do you hate me that much now? That I'm just a booty call when you're horny."

"You aren't. And you know that, Mike."

Michael didn't respond at first. He took a step back and sat down on the material-peeling couch. He tapped his painted nails on the arm of the seat. "I was last night."

"That was different."


"Because I love you! I fell in love with you since I met you and you broke my heart too. Whether you realize it or not."

The pregnant male grumbled, "and you're so innocent."

Ashton smiled with faux, "you don't have to be here, Michael. If you don't want to."

His princess nodded. "I don't. Text me if you need anything."



"I told him I loved him."

Calum stopped scrolling through Instagram to look up at his best mate. "Why?"

Ashton shrugged. "It's true. And I thought he might feel the same."

"Stop rushing him, Ash." Calum licked his chapped lips. "He's hormonal and he just wants to be friends. He has enough on his plate and a relationship isn't what he needs. I know you care about him, and you should, but not every person you like isn't going to date you. It has to be mutual. Don't force him, because if you date then he might not return the feelings the same. Be nice."

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