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i felt people tugging on me when i woke up.
i was still on the ground.
i saw broken glass on the floor beside me.
i tried to get up but i fell back onto the ground.

i looked up and saw millie screaming.

"you crazy bitch!" she yelled

she looked down and helped me up to my feet. i touched the back of my head which was throbbing.
my hand was covered in blood.

i saw gaten come with a towel.

"here," he paused "i'm sorry about this whole mess. noah is trying to calm sadie down."

"when she's calm, tell her that were done." i spat

he nodded as he walked back into the kitchen.

"can you drive me home? i need to get my stuff and take it to a hotel or something."
i said as i handed her my keys

"sure, but no hotel is going to be open for check-in. you can crash at my place if you want." she offered


we went to my car and i sat in the passengers seat holding the blood-soaked towel above my head.
we drove to sadie's apartment, millie helped me pack my stuff and bandage up my wound.

"this is going to hurt," she said dabbing my head with rubbing alcohol.

i clenched my jaw as the pain came.

"ouch," i replied

we were about to leave when we heard the back door open.
we both walked quietly through the living room to see who it was.

"finn i'm so sorry, i was just so mad." she tried to explain but millie interrupted her.

"no! you don't get to be sorry, what you did is unforgiving!"
she yelled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.


we arrived at her house about an half n hour later.
she helped me get my stuff unpacked and also checked my head again.

"looks better," she said reapplying the bandage.

"good, good. look about the kiss. i'm sorry. i wouldn't be here if i didn't kiss you."
i looked at the ground

she touched my face and i looked up.

"it was going to happen, we just didn't know when." she whispered as she leaned in.

our lips crashed into one anothers. but this time the kiss was long and more thought out.
this kiss meant something.

after we broke apart i took a deep breath.

"what? was it that bad?" she furrowed her brows

"no, no. it was good. i just never thought we would end up together. i always thought you would meet a rich, handsome guy in paris and get married. but your here, with me."

she laughed, "a rich and handsome guy, eh?" she mocked

i nodded

"well i've got you, and you're better than any other guy i could ever meet."

we both smiled as we fell slowly asleep.


i woke up before millie, it was about 10 a.m.
i slid away from millie and got up and straightened my jacket which had dried blood on the back.
i walked to the guest bedroom and grabbed my suitcases.
then walked downstairs and sat them by the front door.

i grabbed a piece of paper and wrote:

you deserve someone who..

i crumpled the paper up and threw it in the trash can.
i walked over to millie and kissed her forehead.

"goodbye," i whispered

i walked to the door, picked up my suitcases and left.


"how long are you staying sir?" the woman behind the counter asked.

"i don't know yet, let's start with one night," i said handing her my credit card

she swiped my card and handed it back to me.

"room 25," she said giving me the key.

i walked to the elevator and pressed up.

the room was nice, it had everything except a fridge which i guess is fine because i don't have any food with me.

i looked out the window and saw millie's car speed into the parking lot and park.

she got out and she looked angry, she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.
i watched her as she walked into the hotel.

i sat in the chair beside me and waited.


"finn open the door!" she said as she knocked vigorously

i stood up and walked slowly to the door knowing what was about to happen.
i twisted the door handle and millie pushed the door wide open.
as soon as she saw me she slapped me.

"ouch, what was that for?" i said holding my cheek

"you left!"

i sat on the bed, still holding my cheek which was now throbbing.

"yeah, i did leave. you deserve someone better!" i raised my voice a bit

"no, finn i deserve you."

we sat in silence as we stared at each other.
i could see millie's eyes watering as she was about to cry.

"don't cry," i whispered

she wiped her face in a hurry.

"are you staying here or are you coming back with me."

"i already paid for the room, how about you stay here for the night." i said as i stood up

"okay," she said

"okay." i replied

we looked through the channels as we laid in bed.
millie was getting tired and started to fall asleep.

"okay i'll sleep on the other bed, goodnight."

i waited for her to respond but she never did.
i slid off the bed onto the floor and recovered her with the blankets.
i placed a kiss on her forehead like i did this morning and climbed into the other bed.
before i could fall asleep i heard a tv commercial that sounded fimilar.
i turned around only to see the title
stranger things, our final season was going to be released in may.

i reached for the remote and turned it off.

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