| fourteen |

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i was awoken by the beeping of the hospital monitor beside me.
my stomach was stiff from the bandages, i felt cold liquid going into my arm from the iv beside me.
i also saw chloe, who had a bandage on her forehead.

"h-hi," my throat stung

chloe popped her head up and grabbed my hand, i suddenly pulled away.

"w-what happened to mills?" i said while letting my nickname for her spill out of my mouth

"mills?" she asked while standing up

"yeah, that's millies nickname." i tried to stand up but sadie put her hand on my shoulder and lowered me back to the bed.

"you can't get up yet, doctors orders," she said while grabbing her coat "i have to go but i'll be back tomorrow morning, get some sleep,"

once she left i threw my legs over the side of the bed and ached in pain. but that didn't matter because i was tempted to find millie.

i put one foot on the ground and then the other, i walked slowly to the door grasping the pole for the iv bag.

i slid the curtains aside and walked into the hall.
no one was here, i looked up at the time and it read one in the morning.
most surgeons and nurses were in the er or or.

i walked past a few rooms before i found a girl that looked a lot like millie, but her head was bandaged up and both her arms and one leg was broken.
my eyes started to water, and i touched my stomach.
my hand was warmer than usual so i looked down to see that i busted my stitches open, i fell to the ground and heard loud footsteps rushing towards me.


the next two weeks consisted of eating daily, taking my meds and sleeping.
by now i could finally walk on my own, but sometimes i had someone assist me.
i would walk past millie's room everyday, to see if anything changed, the doctors said when she came in she was unconscious, and they ruled it as an coma.

no one will tell me what happened that night but i've had my guesses.
falling, car crash, and sadly killing herself was on the list.
but i never knew it would go this far, even if she didn't try to kill herself, i still missed her everyday.

a doctor approached me the next day asking for my consent to turn off the machines because they think that she'll never wake up.

"no, n-not yet, she'll wake up," but after i said that i began to grow confused "wait, wait why are you asking for my consent?"

"she put you as her emergency contact, didn't you know?"

i nodded while i stood up, "well, my answer is no."


i was discharged a week later after many post-mri's and scans.
they said that it would leave a scar but i never knew how big it would be.
chloe helped me to my apartment and when i walked in it was all clean, and there was new furniture.

"what's all this?" i asked

"i replaced the things that were broken," she paused "i need to talk to you."

i nodded waiting for her to continue

"i'm leaving atlanta, he's gotten so close to finding me and i can't let him. don't be sad or angry please."

i looked down at the ground

"i see the way you look at her finn," she whispered

"who? look at who?" i asked

"millie—, you still love her, and i know this because i used to look at my husband like that, we were in love once but lost it when he started drinking, so finn please take my advice, and don't lose you're love for millie."

"you deserve to be happy, chloe, and i hope you find what you're looking for, thank you for the past month and i'm internally grateful for you."

"well, i guess this goodbye then?"

"i suppose so," i pulled her into a hug

and then she left without another word.


i continued to visit millie everyday but what stopped me today was a familiar face in the waiting room.

i walked over to him, "hey—,"

"finn, i'm so— sorry,"

i showed a confused face before speaking,
"sorry for what peter?"

"no one told you?" he seemed relieved

"peter, what are you sorry for," i continued

"well, the night millie was in the accident, um— well she was with me."

"what happened." i raised my voice

"finn— millie was in the car with me, and- and she wasn't wearing a seatbelt." he paused taking a breath "the car came out of no where, she was flung out of the car, and- and she wasn't breathing when i ran out to check on her and i turned around and the car that ran into us was gone." he was tearing up

i felt all of the anger inside of me build up, "or maybe you just lied to the police about the car because someone had too many drinks."

"are you implying that i was drunk,"
he choked

"yes, yes i am," i clenched my fists

"well that is not tru—,"

his voice was overthrown by the loudness of the doctors rushing to a room.

"brown, millie, has been in an coma for almost a month," i overheard

i left peter and ran towards millie's room,
he tried to come with me but the nurse at the front desk stopped him.

i looked through the doorway of her room and the monitor was beeping franticly.

"one milligram of epi," one of the doctors yelled

one of the nurses ran past me with a cart labeled: code blue

the monitor stopped beeping and i watched as the spiked lines decreased into one.


oops early upload.
next chap is more intense ;)

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