| seven |

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the days were long and the nights were short.
i finally started to unpack and make my apartment a little more 'homey' as gaten would say.
i missed hanging out with them.
but caleb left to go study law school, gaten moved to new york and lives with his aunt while he attends college.
and for noah, i haven't seen or spoke to him since the party, he's probably sucking up to sadie.

i heard someone knock at my door, i looked through the peep hole and surprisingly saw chloe.

i unlocked the door and opened it.

"hey, whatcha doing here?"

"i brought up your mail,"

"haha, thank you but larry usually brings it."

"okay to be honest i just needed an excuse to see you again." she smiled

i gestured for her to come in, she sat on the couch as i made coffee.
she seemed surprised when i let her come in.
i poured coffee into the two mugs and walked over to her.

"so let me get this straight, you asked larry if you could deliver my mail just to see me again?"

she nodded

"well, i like you already,"


"who's that, your girlfriend," she asked pointing to the framed picture on the shelf.

"no—" i said as i faced the frame down

"bad breakup or crazy affair?"

"both, kind of— it's a long story,"

"well i have time," she smiled

i explained to her that me and millie had been friends a long time and that when we both expressed our feelings it all went downhill.

"oh, so you guys just broke up?" she said eyeing the frame

"yeah—," i said looking at my shoes

"well, it was nice talking to you, maybe we can do it another time?"

"yeah, maybe," i smiled as she walked out the door

i walked over to the table and grabbed the mail, it was mostly job offers and fan mail.
but one envelope stuck out to me.
it was from millie.
at first i was confused on why she sent me a letter, but as i read i understood.

dear finn,

i know it's been rough but that doesn't mean we have to throw out our entire friendship.
i know i should've told you about peter, but i was scared on how you would react.
he's really nice, you would like him.
and if your wondering why i'm writing you a letter, i broke my phone.
come talk sometime, i'm usually at my house or the coffee shop.
love to see you soon.

your friend,

friend, she classifies me as a friend, it hurt to see that word.
but it only meant one thing,
i was in the friend zone.


i gave her letter some thought, if peter was that nice maybe i should go find out for myself.
i drove to the coffee shop where i would most likely find him.
sure enough he was behind the counter taking orders.
i stood in line patiently waiting for the people in front of me to place an order.
after ten minutes of waiting i finally got to order.

"one medium iced coffee," i said as i pulled out my wallet

"name please?"

"finn," i said as he stop writing

"are you by any chance finn wolfhard?"

"yeah, that's me, are you peter?"

"yeah, look i'm sorry about the whole millie thing—" he said while putting a lid on my cup

"its fine, you guys are cute," i flashed a broken smile

"thanks, maybe we can hang out sometime? get to know each other because you probably hate me but i'm not a bad guy,"

i nodded, "thanks for the coffee," i said as i walked out

i climbed in my car and rested my head on the steering wheel.
he was a great guy, kind, caring, and really nice.
i'm glad millie met him.
but that doesn't mean i can't be jealous.
now let's see if millies the jealous type.

i started my car and drove to my apartment building.
i walked up to larry and asked for chloe smith's mail.

"yeah, here ya go, what's with you kids anyway?"

"just doing a favor," i smiled

i walked through the hallway approaching
her apartment.
i knocked lightly on the door, it took a while for her to answer but when she did she was suprised.

"finn? hi,"

i held the pile of envelopes, "thought i'd be nice today,"

she laughed as she took the mail out of my hand

"thank you,"

"now for the real reason i'm here," i paused
"would you go on a date with me?"

she didn't say anything at first, but when i was about to say nevermimd she answered.

"yes," she said as she shut her door.

i walked slowly back slowly to my apartment, thinking of where we would go.
and if i should go where millie usually hangs out so she could see that i moved on.
but to be honest, i haven't moved on, that's the hardest part of a relationship, you can't move on unless your happy with someone else.
and frankly chloe does make me happy, but its hard to tell when we've only seen each other three times.

i reached my apartment and the door was already open, someone had broke in.
i kicked the door all the way open and raised my fists, awaiting for someone to jump out and kill me.
but no one ever did.
i walked in and there were printed pictures everywhere, taped on the walls, floor, even on my bed.
they were all pictures of me and millie, with huge red x's on our faces.

my phone startled me.
i pulled it out and a blocked number had texted me.

unknown : like the pictures i left you?



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