| eightteen |

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millie was the only person on my mind, and frankly she was the only person that was on mind lately.
i've loved her for years, and i never told her.
i had planned to, i really had but peter came along and i never had the chance.


"how are you doing finn?" a woman asked, i couldn't make out her face, my eyesight was blurry from the medication

"um- fine, i guess." i choked on my words

"okay, well you have a broken arm and a minor ankle sprain but other than that your good." after she said that she left

i blinked a couple times and saw another girl at the foot of my bed.
she was about my height and she had short hair.

"i gather were close?" she asked

"i'm sorry, who are you? i can't see that well because of the meds,"

"millie, millie brown."

i sat up quickly causing my head to spin, "yes, yes, i'm finn, you're best friend i guess."

"you guess?" she asked

"yeah um- i'm not sure you want to know this."

"tell me,"

"well you were kind of having an affair," i paused "with me,"

"wait, hold on, i thought i loved peter?" she pulled the chair over to my bed and sat down

"to be fair, we both thought you loved peter until you kissed me."

"okay, so i'm dating peter and i love you?"

"yes, that's right." i nodded, my vision becoming more apparent

"okay well, the last thing i remember is me and peter were happy, and you were never in the picture."

"yeah—," i was interrupted by her

"i'm sorry, i can't do this," she got up and walked out

i tried to get up but the pain from my ankle stopped me.
all i gathered from that conversation was that millie loves peter and not me.


susan helped me into a wheelchair to get breakfast, as she pushed me down the hall she started to ask about millie.

"what's she like? i mean millie,"

"she's amazing, it's like when your with her everything doesn't matter, it's just you and her, ya know?"

"yeah, i had that once, my husband, well ex-husband ron."

"ex?" i questioned

"he died four years ago in the navy,"

"oh, i'm so sorry,"

"it's fine," she paused while she pushed me into the cafeteria "here you go,"

i thanked her and used my good arm to wheel myself towards the breakfast line, where i ordered eggs and bacon.

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