| four |

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i woke up in the middle of the night sweating.
i had a nightmare, i've had a lot of those lately.
i flung the blankets off and shuffled to the bathroom.
i took a shower and grabbed clean clothes.
by the time i was done getting dressed millie was awake and was throwing the blankets over her head.

"you're so loud," she muttered

"i'm sorry," i laughed

i walked over and sat on the corner of the bed.

"i have bad news," i watched as she peeked her head out from under the sheets.

"what?" she whispered

"you have to get up, and get dressed," i laughed as she threw a pillow at me

"don't scare me like that!" she said as she flopped out of bed

"scare you? how could i possibly scare the millie bobby brown?" i said with a tiny grin

she laughed as she brushed her hair.

"we need to go back to my place so i can get dressed," she said

"okay, let's go then."


when we arrived at her house i was surprised when she told me to wait outside.
i leaned against my car while i waited.
the cold crisp air of december was actually soothing.
although there was no snow on the ground it was still cold.
i wore a plain black long sleeve and jeans.
i saw millies door crack open and she came jogging with a wrapped box.

"here," she said handing it to me

"you didn't have to ——"

"oh yes i did, don't be stubborn wolfhard, open it."

i carefully pulled off the wrapping paper and opened the box.
there laid a dark green bomber jacket, like the one i had wore yesterday.

"when did you —" before i could finish my sentence she interrupted me

"this morning before you woke up, it was my fault your other jacket got ruined so i got you a new one."

"well thank you," i pulled her into a warm hug

she hugged back.

you know that feeling you get, right before you have your very first kiss or when you get so excited to see someone you feel like you might explode.
that's how i felt when i was with millie.
she ignited some spark in me that had never been lit before.
the only problem was, what if she didn't feel the same.
yeah, yeah she likes me. but what if she doesn't like me the way i like her.
this could turn out good or bad.
and i'm not sure which way its going.


we went back to the hotel to pick up my things. of course millie said she would drive. i tried to talk her out of it but she fired back with

"you might have a concussion."

and i couldn't deny that.
my head hurt like hell, but that was no reason for her to do things for me.
i could move fine.

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