| sixteen |

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i stood there thinking of what to do, i heard the door creak open and turned my gaze to a surprised peter.
i looked back at millie then peter again.

"hey babe," he said slowly

"hi peter," she smiled

she remembered him, and not me?
i saw susan looking at me through the door frame with a worried face, she hurried and rushed in.

"what happened?" she said while looking at millie

"she's- she's awake," i stuttered

"let me check her vitals, then i want to talk to you," she pointed at me

five minutes pasted and she finally pulled me outside of the room.

"why do you look so upset?"

"she doesn't remember me, but she remembers everyone else."

her face grew pale, and she pulled out her pager and paged millie's doctor.

we both waited for her doctor, and when he arrived he walked past us and straight towards millie, we both followed him.

"hi millie," he said while shining a light in her eyes "what's his name?" he pointed to peter

"peter, my boyfriend."

"correct, now who's that?" he said while pointing at me

"the other doctor?"

he checked her head for signs of trama, but none were found.
it's like all the memories that consisted of me, were completly blank in her mind.
i walked as fast as i could out of the room and towards the exit doors.

"finn! don't go, she needs you!" i heard susan shout

i turned around faster than i should of, "no, she doesn't, she has him. she needs someone who she remembers, not the other doctor!"

"finn, listen to me, she'll remember, just give her sometime."

before i could say anything i heard peter's voice, "hey look i'm sorry she remembers me and not you, maybe it's for the best."

i clenched my fists and tackled him, i punched him over and over until someone finally pulled me off.

"maybe that was for the best," i spat


the cops took their time putting the handcuffs around my wrists, i was shoved into the car and driven to the station for assault.

"so kid, you got a name?" the officer behind the desk asked

"yes, its finn wolfhard."

"wait, wait, you mean your the finn wolfhard? the kid from stranger—,"

"yep.. that's me." i scoffed

"wow, i'm sorry about all this, we should be just keeping you for an twenty-four hour hold."

i nodded, eyeing the handcuffs.

"oh, sorry about those, lemme take those off for ya." he pulled the keys off of his belt and unlocked them.

"thanks," i said while rubbing my wrists "any more questions?"

"yeah, just a few."

the officer asked me a couple more questions and sent me with his partner.
they placed me in a private cell, away from all the other inmates.
i shouldn't of taken it this far, yeah peter is an asshole, but i shouldn't of pummeled him.

i laid back on the cold, rock hard bed and squeezed my eye lids shut, waiting for the sun to rise.


i arrived at the hospital, with a bouquet of flowers in my hand.
i was planning to confront millie, and remind her of all of the memories she lost.

i walked through the front doors and saw many people.
some crying, some with tears of joy.
but when i came up to a beaten up peter, his face was emotionless.

i could tell if he was happy or sad, he just looked- dull.
i felt someone's hand touch my shoulder, i turned around and found susan.
her expression matching peter's.
i knew where this was going and i didn't want to hear it.

i dropped the flowers as susan began talking, "finn- she's gone."


i woke up, tears streaming down my face.
the guards started to approach my cell, so i quickly wiped my face.

"you're being released, let's go." one of them said coldly

i nodded as i stood up and followed them to the front.
i checked my watch and it read 12:39 pm.
it wasn't time for me to leave..
unless someone bailed me out.

i began to grow more suspicious each step i took to reach the lobby area.
caleb and gaten were away, and millie has no idea who i am.
there were only two possibilities it could be.

i pushed the door open and searched the group of people until my eyes fixed on two people sitting in the back corner.

noah and sadie.


"erm— i guess i should thank you?" i said dryly

"no need, but if were going to talk, we can't do it here, come on," noah said whilst grabbing my arm and pulling me outside

sadie kept her head down and hadn't spoken a word or even looked at me since i opened the door.
but noah on the other hand was searching the parking lot franticly.

we jogged up to a black suv and noah climbed into the front seat and sadie hopped into the passenger seat.
me on the other hand was thrown into the back of the vehcile.

"what is all this about?" i yelled

none of them replied, except noah who whispered "sorry," when he pulled out of he parking lot and made a way too quick turn.

after ten minutes of questioning sadie finally said something.

"area's secure," she said to noah, he nodded while pulling the car over.

they both turned around in sync, "finn, please don't be angry." sadie whispered

"were apart of a group called the cia and we were assigned to protect you."

suddenly my whole world had been flipped, and this, was just the beginning.

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