Chapter 5

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Lily's POV
I really hope his 3rd year memories aren't too bad, hermione told me it was there least eventful year but seeing as what they got up to its still going to be eventful.
"Harry? Did you almost err die in your 3rd year?"
He was clearly thinking hard before he said "yeah" he said slowly
"Ok. Are you ready to show us your third year then?"
"Yeah I'm ready"

Harry's POV
I can clearly see my mum is worried about what happens in my past and it shows she really does care about me even though she missed about 16 years of my life.
"Ok so remember none of this can be changed, it's all the past." He said slowly "here are my third year memories."

*inside memories*
The memory begins with me, Ron and hermione trying to find an empty compartment but ending up having to share with professor lupin.
*The memory switches to where the dementor enters the compartment and trying to suck out Harry's soul but luckily the professor wakes up and casts a patronus charm which pushes the dementor away, straight after Harry heard a loud scream and then passed out.

*outside memories*
After the scream mum nursed into tears
"You really weren't lying about it then, we thought you'd gone crazy." Said Ron looking at the ground
"That was m-m-my scream you heard Harry, the night we died."

*inside memories*
The memory changed to my first lesson with professor lupin, he was showing us boggerts and turn by tern the students went up and when it got to me it changed to a dementor and suddenly professor lupin jumped in front of me and it changed to showing a full moon and when he said ridiculous it changed I tow a balloon and flew into the cupboard. After the incident he promptly dismissed the class.
The memory changed to Harry studying the marauders map and seeing someone he thought to be dead, Peter PETTIGREW! Harry got out of bed, put his slippers on and walked to where he could intercept pettigrew, however the map looked to be wrong because he couldn't see anyone, Harry then saw snape walking towards him on the map and quickly said 'mischief managed' and turned his light off but unfortunately not in time as snape turned his on And tries to open the map but fails. luckily professor lupin comes along and brings Harry to his office.
"Now Harry, I have no idea how you came across this but do your realise in Sirius black's hands this is a map to you."
"Yes sir. And I'm not sure the map is always correct."
"And why is that, the map never lies."
"Because I saw someone on the map who I thought to be dead."
"And who might that be?"
"Peter pettigrew."
"Alright off to bed and no shortcuts, I know if you do."
"Goodnight professor"
The memory changes once again but this time it's in professor dumbledore office and me  and professor lupin are standing around a chest revealed to have a dementor and Harry is about to learn the patronus charm but unfortunately fails but the second time i succeeded and i hears cheers outside the memory and i then hears hermione say "thats nothing compared what he does later."
The memory once again changes and this time to buckbeack's execution. After people realise what is happening some begin to cry but the scene changes to me, Ron and hermione seeing a black dog which runs at Ron and grabs his leg and pulls him u dear the wamping willow at this both Mrs weasly and my mother hit Sirius over the head. Me  and hermione quickly follow and find out that the dog was Sirius and we all still thought Sirius was a murderer. Then professor lupin comes in and hugs Sirius which gets me extremely angry.
"You've been on his side the whole time haven't you!"
"Harry calm down, Sirius isn't a murderer, he's innocent and I've only been on his side since you told me you saw the traitor pettigrew on the map."
"Peter was t the traitor, you were." The young me said pointing my wand at him
Then a out of breath snape comes in and holds his wand up but as I want to know the truth I use a rather strong spell sending him flying and unconscious into the four poster bed that had collapsed on top of him.
"Go on prove you did t murder them."
"I will. Peter, peter come out. He's in this room! Over there." Sirius says pointing at Ron
"Me? Me? I'm not Peter"
"Not you silly! Your rat!"
"Scabbers? It can't be he's been in the family.."
"12 years, abnormally long for a field rat! He's missing a toe isn't he."
"And all that's left of was his finger" hermione said slowly
"Ok if it's true you'll be able to get Peter out of his animaugus."
"I will now give me the rat."
"Ron give him the rat." The memory me said
"Ok this will prove it." Sirius said as he and professor lupin were firing spells at the rat and just as the rat was about to escape a spell connected with the rat and it turned into none other than Peter pettigrew.
"It was you wasn't it? You betrayed by parents."
"You traitor! They trusted you."
"Now let's handw Peter in."
Once they exited the tree hermione's eyes grew big as she looked at the moon and pointed at it then Sirius and professor lupin realised and Sirius turned into his animaugus and fought away the professor by which time snape had come round and was exiting the trunk and began to yell at Harry before he realised what was happening.

James's POV
The memory skipped to Harry, Ron and hermione in the hospital wing when dumbledore done comes in and tells them to travel back in time where they proceed to save buckbeack but that's not all, the save Harry from Remus, but Remus runs towards them but luckily buckbeack protects them and scares him away. Then we see probably a thousand dementors fly over head and Harry and hermione run the same direction where we see Harry there cast a weak patronus which unfortunately doesn't hold as Sirius has his soul sucked out. Then the other Harry (the one that went back in time) ran forward and cast probably one of the most powerful patronus charms I've ever seen and it forced all the dementors. After that the free Sirius from the prison and he goes on his way flying on buckbeak. After this Harry and hermione here the clock chime and the sprint as fast as possible up to the hospital wing were they get back just in time.

*end of memory*
Lily's POV
"That was a bloody good patronus Harry" says Ron and he quickly gets slapped round the head by his mother
"And you call your 3rd year not eventful"
"I didn't say that I said it was the least eventful."
"And what can get more eventful than the last 3 years?" I said almost yelling I could see tears forming in his eyes and he said quietly "my 4th year" and then ran out the door
"What have I done" I said
"Lily, in Harry's fourth year he went threw throngs no one every should have to see or witness. It's not your fault it's just Harry doesn't want to show his memories, he's refused to show them to even dumbledore and Sirius so it's only he who knows everything that happened that night. This is the year In which Harry competes in the tri-wizard tournament." Says professor mcgonagall
"Oh, cedric told us a little about it."
"All I ask is not to pressure him into showing them to you"
Just then Harry bursts in and says "I'm showing them now! My 4th year memories."
"Are you sure, you had nightmares for months after." Says professor mcgonagall
"I'm sure, I can't keep it in forever. anyway everyone here I consider as family and people that should no what happened that night"


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