Chapter 10

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Sirius' POV
"DEATH EATERS ON THE BRIDGE" yelled professor mcgonagall
Everyone ran down to the courtyard to see a large crowd of death eaters standing in the middle of the bridge. Dumbledore was the first to speak.
"What are you doing here, you have no leader?"
"We have come to get the potter boy."
"You have no leader and I'm sure Harry is more powerful than you all."
"Give us the boy or we kill you all."
"Is that so. Anyway, why do you need Harry?"
"We want to kill him for what he did to our master."
Just then Harry steps forward In front of dumbledore and draws his wand.

Professor mcgonagall's POV
As dumbledore is talking with lucius Malfoy who was leading the death eaters I see Harry step forward and I see him draw his wand, the elder wand.

Lily's POV
Harry is standing at the front, he has no protection and he can't fight them all on his own. I did try to hold him back but he got free, I can't lose him not now.
"Ah, potter you can do nothing, your weak."
"Really, try me." The suddenly I hear the incantation "AVARDA KADVRA" from lucius I just look at the spell traveling towards Harry then see Harry use his wand to throw a rock in front of the curse which stops it.
"Not so tough are you now lucius?"
"That was luck potter not skill."
"Is that so? Come on give me your best."
By now the daily prophet had arrived and they had the cameras aimed at the death eaters and Harry then suddenly out of no where the group of death eaters sent a tornado of fiendfyre out of there wands and as everyone stood there panicking Harry remained calm we then herd lucius yell "your done for potter."
"Lets see about that." Harry was acting extremely cocky, nobody could destroy that on there own, not even dumbledore. Even he looked scared then I turned back to Harry who stood there waving his wand then out of nowhere we saw an even bigger tornado appear but this, this was made of water and Harry was controlling it. Then as soon as the fire tornado appeared it had vanished, and only Harry's tornado remained and then I saw Harry begin to wave his wand again and the giant tornado fell down on top of the death eaters which fell to the ground unconscious. Then Harry flicked his wand and the water fell back into the black lake below. Harry then shot body bind jinx at the death eater just as the auroras arrived. Then a cheer went up around the courtyard and everyone ran to hug Harry but he forced his way to me and hugged me.

Ron's POV
Bloody hell, I just saw Harry destroy the fiendfyre of about 50 death eaters then knock them out, that was not normal, that was when I realised that Harry is one of the most powerful wizards of all time.

Harry's POV
I just did that, got 50 death eaters arrested and sent to azkaban, then as I make my way up to the gryrifindor common room dumbledore apparate sight in front of me.
"Ah Harry, I thought I would find you here."
"Yes professor, did you need anything?"
"Oh yes Harry, could you follow me to my office."
"Of course professor."

"So Harry, I saw what you did out there, it was absolutely incredible, I couldn't even do something like that, and I'm not even sure Voldemort could do it. Harry you have to know how powerful you are, your one of the most powerful wizards of all time. So what do you plan on doing with your wand?"
"Good professor, I only want to do good. I also want to be its last owner so the wand loses its power."
"Ah I knew it would be something like that. Harry, I really do admire your courage, after all you've been threw and your still here, and strong. I also need to tell you something, Harry I'm 132, I'm only allowed to return for one week so I only have a day left so I'm leaving fawlks to you. I also want you to carry on what I started, I want you to try as you said to die of natural causes so the wand loses your power, Harry I'm going back to my tomb at 11:00 tomorrow night, professor mcgonagall knows and will close the tomb. Thank you Harry."
"Thank you professor. For everything." Then suddenly the door opens
"Harry potter is alive" says dobby as he runs to Harry
"Dobby, your back. And thank you dobby for everything. And thank you again professor."

*a few days later, dumbledore is again gone. in the great hall where everyone is sat.*
"So you may want to know why we're all here, I wanted to tell everyone something. No matter how tough times get, push on there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We're also here to say thank you to two of the most important people in my life, the first is professor dumbledore, if it wasn't for him who knows where I would be? The answer is most likely dead. The second person who may come as a shock to you but this person is the bravest man I ever knew, professor snape. The reason he hated me was because he had to, I had to be kept safe and that was professor snapes job. The reason I had to be kept safe was because I had to die at the right time at the hands of Voldemort. Which I did, and the reason was because I was one of the horcruxes voldemort made, but he made me a horcrux by accident that night where I survived the killing curse. Thank you."

Ginny's POV
When Harry said professor snape there were people with there jaws hanging open but I knew why. I now understand why he hated Harry and that's not because he did but he had two.

Lily's POV
"Harry's grown up so much."
"Yeah, I never knew our son would be the most powerful wizard in the world"
"James, I believe we need to pay the Dursleys a visit."
"Yes, I believe we do."
"Harry? Ginny? Would you like to come with us, we're going to pay the Dursleys a visit."
"Yeah, I want to see where Harry stayed until he was 11."
"I don't think you do. But yeah, I want to go, we will give them a little surprise."

*outside number 4 privit drive.*
Harry goes up to the door and he places a vanishing spell over me James and ginny.
"Hello? Oh it's you, why are you here?"
"Oh I wanted to check if you were ok. Oh and can you get petunia out here, I have a surprise for you."
"Ok fine wait here."
"Hello petunia, I have a little surprise for you."
"Ok, go on then,"
Harry then flicks his wand and the spell lifts of ginny
"Is that all you want to show me, if you can somehow magic my sister that would be a surprise."
"Er well here goes." And with a flick of his wand me and james appeared.
"How! My sister is dead."
"Your sister is no longer dead, they returned from the dead just after I killed Voldemort."
"You actually did it, killed the man who killed Lily?"
"Yes I did it and you may also want to know I'm the most powerful wizard in the world."
"Oh Harry I'm sorry for everything I did to you. And lily I'm also sorry for everything. Would you like to come in?"
"Oh course we would" I said
"Mum, dad, ginny. This is where I slept to the age of 11." Said Harry calmly
Then we walked in and saw Cho and Dudley snogging on the sofa.

Harry's POV
"Hello Dudley, Cho"
"Harry why are you here?" Said Cho
"Oh, dudleys my cousin and I came over for a visit. I lived here until about a year ago."
"Oh. Dudley you never told me Harry was your cousin?"
"Didn't really need to, he's not that important"
"Dudley how could you say that to your cousin, and for a matter of fact if it wasn't for Harry I would be dead."
"Oh I didn't realise, sorry Harry."
"It's alright Dudley. A way I think we should be going."
"Ok, bye" said Cho

"Well that was unexpected"

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