Where it all started

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(An: I am guessing whoever is reading this story is a fan of Naruto and at least has seen part 1 before reading any of this, so I won't be putting a spoiler tag in any of my Chapters until the time skip to Shippuden. We are going to start in the forbidden Scroll Incident. Also, I do not own Naruto or Naruto Shippuden, since I am NOT Masashi Kishimoto. So without further ado, I hope you enjoy the story and leave some feedback. P.S: My Naruto doesn't care much for his parents and will tolerate his siblings for as long as he NEEDS to. He won't be as forgiving as canon, but he will not be insane, like in other stories. He will see them as people who are just there and are related to him by blood.)

"Hi" Human Speech

"You Moron!!" Yelling (Everyone)

'Hi' Tailed Beast or Summoning Speech

(What an idiot) Thoughts(Everyone) or Translation

{Time Skip, Location Change, or Flashback}

(An:) Author's Announcement

Chapter 1

{Location:Konohagakure no Sato(Village hidden in the Leaves)}

Naruto Uzumaki was not having a good day, to put it lightly. In fact, if you were to ask him how his  day was going, you would have been smacked from here to Kumo(The Cloud for those who have not seen the Japanese version).

How did his day go you may ask? Well, first today was the day his stupid family was coming back to the village, they had left the day he was born and got stuck with the soul of the Kyuubi(Nine Tails) while his 'siblings' got the chakra it had at the time.(The summary as to how he got the knowledge will come later ,when Minato and Kushina show up with his 4 siblings). Next, he had to deal with his stupid annoying mask, along with asking the pink-haired girl that is Sakura Haruno(God I hate this bitch)out, and her fangirl partner in crime, Ino Yamanaka. Another reason he would smack you were that his friends had to pretend to hate him again, since he had to pretend to defend himself. He also noticed that Satsuki(Fem. Sasuke) and Kira(Fem. Kiba) were glaring at each other again in their disguises when they thought that no one was looking. The silver lining was that today was Graduation Day and he could finally say goodbye to the academy. But, it was not meant to be, because one of his teachers, Mizuki rigged his test and put Iruka, his instructor and father/older brother figure, in a genjutsu. As a result , he failed his test and was told he could make it up, by retrieving the scroll of forbidden sealing. He got said scroll rather easily and was on his way to the location where he would meet Mizuki, but along the way he saw that Mizuki was fighting Iruka and somehow winning. "Mizuki, why are you any of this? Stealing the forbidden scroll, and for what? To sell it to the highest bidder?!" Iruka yelled out. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You think that I would do that?! I'm going to give it to Lord Orochimaru in exchange for more power than even the Hokage can even imagine!!". Mizuki was about to throw a Fuma(Windmill) Shuriken at Iruka, if it was not for Naruto jumping at Mizuki and punching him square in the face. When Mizuki and Iruka saw Naruto, their eyes were drawn to Naruto's which were scarlet red with three tomoes in them instead of his regular sky blue with a fox-like pupil. Naruto actually had the Sharingan and it was fully matured. Needless to say, Iruka's  jaw was on the floor and Mizuki was furious! "HOW DID A DEMON BRAT LIKE YOU GET THE POWER OF THE SHARINGAN?!"

"I've always had these eyes, I just didn't need or want to show them, and I have been training them since I unlocked them." Naruto said, rather calmly. Mizuki tried to move to Naruto and kill him with a kunai, but he realized that he couldn't move. "I figured that you would try to kill me, so I placed a seal on you when I hit you in the face. This is the end, Mizuki, KAZEKIRI!!" just as Naruto said that, a blade of pure wind had formed around his hand. With it, he rushed at Mizuki and thrust it into his chest, right where his heart was. Naruto, after pulling his hand out with Mizuki's heart in it and after crushing it in said hand, he went to tend to Iruka's wounds.

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