The Exams Part 3

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{Last Time}

  The children of the Kazekage ran into a cocky Mist village team, who thought that they would be easy pickings for the team. They were not expecting the smallest of the three to slaughter them without trying. When the "fight" was done, Garra started to walk away but Kankuro stopped him, "Hey Garra, you shouldn't have taken it that far. They already gave us the scroll." Garra gave him a menacing stare, before raising his arm in another direction, and sending chakra to it, which made some sand appear. He hardened it into a plug for the gourd that he carried on his back. He started to walk again, this time with his siblings following him.

{On with the Story}

{2 days later}

Naruto and Satsuki, who was still under her transformation, were jumping through the trees, while one of Naruto's clones carried the ball & chain that was Sakura Haruno. They were heading to the tower to end the Second part of the exam for them. "SPLICING SOUND WAVE!" the two heard someone yell, and jumped off the branch that they were on, which was destroyed out of nowhere. The two looked around, when they saw a team of ninjas that had a music note on their headbands.

 The two looked around, when they saw a team of ninjas that had a music note on their headbands

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The bandaged one, who seemed to be the leader spoke, "Well, looks like we found our target. You blonde, had over the Uchiha, and we might let you get away with your life." Naruto looked at the leader with a glare, before he casually reached into his back pocket, and throwing what looked like a regular kunai knife at the three's feet. "Hey Dosu, why don't we just beat the two and take the Uchiha?" the leader, who we now know as Dosu, looked at the other male of his team, "Zaku, don't underestimate those two. They were skilled enough to take on Lord Orochimaru". Zaku sneered, thinking that his teammate was being paranoid over a bunch of kids, raised his arms, aiming them at Naruto's clone, who was holding the still unconscious Sakura, and shot another wind attack. The clone, thinking on his feet threw Sakura away and took the full force of the wind blast, destroying him. Satsuki made cross finger, and out came three Shadow Clones, which all went to help Sakura. 

The female of the three attackers saw this and thought, 'She must be pretty important to these two, well lets see what makes her so special'. The girl reached into her left leg pouch, pulling out three senbon, before throwing them at the unconscious kunoichi, before one of the Satsuki clones intercepted the needle with a shuriken. While this was going on, Naruto disappeared, which the four, including Satsuki, hadn't noticed, and reappeared behind the two, who didn't notice his presence, until he punched Dosu in the back of his head. Zaku and Kin noticed him then, with Kin jumping away, and Zaku raising his arms to Naruto, "Eat this ya punk! SUPER SONIC SPLICING WAVE!" a huge wave of wind was shot at Naruto's direction. When it hit, there was nothing but dust and ruble. 

Zaku smirked, before he felt a hand go through his chest. He looked behind him to see Naruto, who had his hand in the sound ninja's chest with sparks of lightning flying around both Naruto's hand and Zaku's wound. The blonde pulled out his hand and let Zaku fall to he ground, while bleeding out. Naruto looked to where Satsuki was, and saw she was fighting Dosu, and looked to be winning, but was also staggering from what he could hear a weird sound coming from his right arm with his advanced hearing. As the battle proceeded, Sastuki seemed to be getting dizzier as the battle was prolonged, which Naruto saw and rushed to his teammate and fiance's side(An: More on this later.) and got her out of the way of Dosu's fist, while the remaining sound-nin tried to recoil his fist, but couldn't move at all. Naruto saw this and knew what team they had been found by, "Shikamaru, I suggest you take him down quick, after all it's gonna be you Ino gets mad at" the lazy nara had sighed, knowing that the, in his words "Troublesome and cheeky" blonde knew that Ino had forced him to follow her to find Naruto, "Yeah, and you don't have to remind me. Man what a drag.". As the nara said that, Ino and Choji had made caught up to their teammate, and saw the state that Satsuki was in, she was breathing hard, most likely to try and calm down, she also had a ton of cuts and bruises on her arms and legs, though none seemed to be life threatening. After a few minutes, with Ino healing up Satsuki and Naruto giving Shikamaru and Choji the spare scroll that he beat out of the Stone genin, Sakura started to wake up, "AHH!! WHERE AM I?! WHAT HAPPENED TO "SAUSKE"?! IF THAT IDIOT NARUTO WAS INVOLVED WITH-" Naruto covered her mouth with a towel that was in his hand to shut her up, not wanting to touch her mouth with his bare hand a second time, and pointed to Satsuki, who had just put up her genjustsu and was completely healed up and still next Ino. The fact that the yamanaka heiress was near "her Sauske", made her want to yell again, but was stopped by Naruto, who started dragging her, with Satsuki following after.

{3 days later; Elimination Arena}

After searching finding the tower for three days, mostly because of Sakura complaining that she was tired constantly, Team 7 made it to the tower, and were in an arena inside the tower with a statue making a ram hand sign. The teams that were there, besides Team 7 were: Teams 8, 9, 10, along with the  Waterfall team, Kabuto's Team, and the Sand Siblings. The third hokage, who in front of the teams, along with all their Jounin sensei lined up and standing in the back of the fire shadow, who started talking about how the Chunin Exams prevented wars, and maintain the peace all the Elemental Nations had. Meanwhile, Naruto was noticing that Sakura seemed to acting weird, and seemed to be grabbing her left shoulder a lot. His thoughts were interrupted by the Third saying that anyone who wanted to quit now could. About 5 people from the Leaf quit, 2 from the Stone, and two from the Mist. Hiruzen saw this, and sighed. He new most wouldn't want to quit. Hiruzen let Hayate take the stage and inform them of the preliminary rounds.

{Chapter End}

(An: Sorry this chapter took so long, but my computer caught malware because of a stupid family friend, and we had to get it fixed. If their is someone you want to see fight in this story for the exhibition match, then tell me in the comments section. Anyways, I'm out this bitch.)

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