Month of Training

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{Last Time on Naruto Uzumaki M.O.P}

Moving onto the last 2 matches, they were Shino vs. Fu, which ended in Fu, since the both of them could communicate with insects, and having wind and water ninjustu, and Garra vs. Rock Lee, which nearly ended with Lee giving up his ninja career, if it weren't for the actions of his sensei Maito Gai, and his younger step brother Naruto, stopping Garra's sand attack. With the winners decided, they all walked down to the center to see who they would be fighting. After the number lottery, they saw who they would be fighting

Match 1: Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kasumi Uzunami

Match 2: "Sauske" Uchiha vs. Garra

Match 3: Temari vs. Choji Akamichi

Match 4: Jin Uzunami vs. Fu

Match 5: Kankuro vs. Kira Inuzuka

Match 6: Hinata Hyuga vs. Ino Yamanaka

The chunin hopefuls were told they would be given a month to train and rest up from all their matches, so they all went their separate ways.

(I changed the match ups when I realized that I left Jin out of the matches and decided to have him go up against Satsuki.) 

{Chapter Start}

{Leaf Hospital}

Naruto was staring at the hospital's receptionist, who refused to let him see Tenten, who was still injured from her fight with Temari, with the receptionist saying she didn't want any visitors, while he knew she was doing this because like almost everyone in the Leaf, she hated him for the Nine Tails. The blonde had been trying to use reason for a few hours now, and was losing his patience, 'Why don't I just knock her out? Oh right, I promised the Old man Sarutobi that I'd try and be civil for the village's image.' Naruto thought to himself, before he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Calm down Naruto, this is a hospital." Naruto knew by the voice it was Kakashi, while brushing the jounin's hand off of him and turning to leave, before he was stopped, "Hey Naruto, I wanted to tell you that I won't be able to train you, since I'll be focusing on training Sauske, but I did get you someone who can help you." Naruto could practically see the lies that Kakashi was spilling, knowing that he got him someone who would try and hinder him for the entire month, "I won't need any help. I already have a plan set out." Naruto turned to leave once more, and didn't bother to stay and hear Kakashi's dumb excuses in a Shunshin of wind.    

{Training Ground 7}

Naruto reappeared in his team's training ground, and made sure that no one was around. Once he was done with that, he started making multiple hand signs, before biting his right thumb and slamming his right palm onto the ground, which caused a giant puff of smoke to appear. When it disappeared, Naruto was gone.

{Hokage's Office}

Hiruzen was reading one of his special books  that he read in his spare time. On days like this, where he had a shit ton of paperwork, he left most of it to his Shadow clones, since it was mostly bullshit from the Civilian Council, while he left the important things concerning the village to himself, 'I really need to thank Naruto for this. I still can't believe not one Kage saw the answer until now, but a teenage boy saw it with ease. He really would make a fine Hokage, though I won't force it on him.' Hiruzen was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt a presence behind him. He turned to see his student Jiraiya enter through the window. He wasn't proud of how his student basically left Naruto to fend for himself, "Hey there Sarutobi-Sensei. I heard around the grapevine that Kushina and the twins are back in the village. I know she's already planning on training those two, but I think Naruto would benefit from some training from me. Mind telling me where he is?" Sarutobi stared at Jiraiya with an emotionless gaze, before he began to speak, "Naruto already has a plan of training himself. I also doubt Kushina will want anywhere near him." Jiraiya was surprised at this. His kind and elderly sensei was basically telling his student to fuck off. 

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