The Exams Finale/The Invasion Part 1

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{Chunin Exam Finals Arena}

The entire arena was packed full of people. Ninja, civilian, and daimyo alike. Everyone seemed very eager to see the finals of what seemed to be a very thrilling conclusion to the Chunin Exams. While most were here to see either "Sauske" and Gaara fighting one another, but a few of the visitors were there to see the Uzumaki triplets in action. Most of the citizens of the Leaf village were there to see "Sauske" dominate the finals, and to see Naruto be put in his place, or rather what they thought he would.

Speaking of the finals, the participants, minus Naruto & Satsuki, were all standing in front of Hayate, ready to begin the finals of the Chunin Exams, "Alright, I trust that you all remember the order of the matches. Now, will everyone but Naruto Uzumaki and Kasumi Uzumaki please leave the area." Everyone but Kasumi went up into the stands, while the audience began to demand where Naruto was, while Kasumi was worried, 'Brother would never miss out on this. Not after all the work he put in. Did something happen? Is he alright?!' Jin, like his sister was also worried for their older brother, 'That bastard Sauske's probably holding him back. I can't wait to beat that punk into submission!!' while the twins worried about their elder sibling, a Jounin appeared in front of them. The Jounin was dressed in the standard Jounin outfit, while chewing on a senbon needle, "Alright, all of you keep quiet and listen, because I'm only gonna say this once." the Jounin went on to explain the rules of the fights, and reminded them of who was fighting who.

Match 1: Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kasumi Uzunami

Match 2: "Sauske" Uchiha vs. Gaara Sabaku

Match 3: Temari Sabaku vs. Choji Akimichi

Match 4: Jin Uzunami vs. Fu

Match 5: Ino Yamanaka vs. Kira Inuzuka

Match 6: Hinata Hyuuga vs. Kankuro Sabaku

"And what happens to the people that don't show up for their match?" the Jounin looked at Kasumi with a blank stare, "Then after 5 minutes of no show, they'll be disqualified it's as simple as that. Now that that's out of the way, everyone who isn't Naruto Uzumaki or Kasumi Uzunami go to the stands." the rest of the Chunin hopefuls, besides Kasumi began to make their way to the stands, with Jin staying behind for a bit longer, ("Good luck sis. I hope you can get brother to see what we're trying to do.") when their was still no sign of Naruto, his five minutes had begun, which is also when storm clouds began forming and the wind started to pick up. While everyone thought it was strange how the storm clouds suddenly came out of nowhere, no one payed it any attention, all focusing on how the "demon brat's" minutes were winding down with him still not in sight. 

Most citizens and even some of the ninja of the Leaf were glad that Naruto wasn't there, while others were angry that he was "escaping judgement" from the daughter of their beloved Fourth and his wife. Kasumi was beginning to worry for her elder brother, before she felt rain fall on her face and the wind pick up even more, before a mini tornado appeared on the opposite side of Kasumi. While the tornado was small, it was kicking up so much wind that everyone in the stadium had to shield their eyes from it. Those that could sense chakra knew that this was a wind nature Shunshin, and that whoever was down there, their chakra pool was massive, rivaling even some of the Kages.

The mini tornado started to die down, and revealed a boy with spiky wild blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes, three whisker-like birth marks on each of his cheeks, and was wearing a long sleeved burnt orange hoodie with cool blue sleeves, black ANBU style pants, and matching ninja sandals. The hoodie had a small Uzumaki symbol on the left, but what made the civilians of the Leaf really angry was that the symbol of the Uchiha Clan was on his back, "And you are?" the blonde looked at the Jounin, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm ready for my fight." the Jounin stared at Naruto for a bit, before taking his position in the middle of the two Genin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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