The Exams Part 4

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{Last Time}

After searching finding the tower for three days, mostly because of Sakura complaining that she was tired constantly, Team 7 made it to the tower, and were in an arena inside the tower with a statue making a ram hand sign. The teams that were there, besides Team 7 were: Teams 8, 9, 10, along with the Waterfall team, Kabuto's Team, and the Sand Siblings. The Third Hokage, who in front of the teams, along with all their Jounin sensei lined up and standing in the back of the fire shadow, who started talking about how the Chunin Exams prevented wars, and maintain the peace all the Elemental Nations had. Meanwhile, Naruto was noticing that Sakura seemed to acting weird, and seemed to be grabbing her left shoulder a lot. His thoughts were interrupted by the Third saying that anyone who wanted to quit now could. About 5 people from the Leaf quit, 2 from the Stone, and two from the Mist. Hiruzen saw this, and sighed. He new most wouldn't want to quit. Hiruzen let Hayate take the stage and inform them of the preliminary rounds.

{On with the Story}

Everyone started to leave the preliminary arena but Satsuki and Akado(Kabuto's teammate. I can't remember his name.), who stayed down and readied for their match against each other. Hayate got in between the two, "Alright, if you are both ready then, begin".

As Hayate said that and brought his hand down, Satsuki rushed towards her opponent, and attempted to punch him in the face, but the masked nin ducked out and tried to grab the disguised Uchiha, but his wrist was grabbed and he was thrown far from her. Satsuki, wanting to finish the fight quickly, decided on a plan. Akado rushed at the girl, intent on stealing her chakra, but what he didn't expect was her to disappear out of sight, and kick him into the air. 'Sorry Lee, but I'll have to borrow one of your moves.' as the Uchiha thought this, she crouched down, before sending chakra to her feet, and jumping into the air, right behind Akado.

The glasses wearing chakra leech in human form tried to turn, but was interrupted by one of Satsuki's legs, and was turned the opposite way, while Satsuki punched him square in the face. "I'm not done yet!" she rushed down towards him, and brought her heel down to his neck, breaking it. After Satsuki got up, she looked to see that her last attack had killed her opponent. Her eyes widened, before she grew a sad expression, 'I didn't mean to kill him. Oh man, what's everyone else gonna think?' that thought rushed through her head multiple times. Hayate went to the motionless body of Akado, and checked for a pulse.

Seeing that the man was dead, he declared Satsuki the winner, while the girl in the genjustu walked out of the arena to think about what she had done, while Sakura was cheering loud at "Sauske" and Kakashi had an eye smile, while Naruto was getting off the rail he was leaning on and went to help his fiance, but he felt a hand land on his shoulder, which he looked to see Hinata, "Don't. She needs time to herself. I know how much you want to help her, but it might be best to give her some space."

Naruto stared at the Hyuuga heiress, and reluctantly nodded, knowing the first kill was always the hardest, especially when it's accidental. He shook his head and looked up to see the monitor shifting though a bunch of names. Everyone seemed to tense up as they saw it shift through name after name. After it stopped on two names, one of which made most of the rookie nine faceplam themselves, except for the pink haired harlot that was Sakura Haruno. "Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno, please make your way down to the center.". Naruto saw Ino jump down instead of taking the stairs, while Sakura took her sweet ass time to get to the center.

Naruto decided he wanted to see some entertainment, and a way to get Sakura to wise up, " Hey Ino, try and give everyone a good show." Ino just looked up with a grin and blew a kiss to Naruto, while the blonde jinjuriki saw his "teammate" glare at him, not that he really gave two craps about her opinion. "If you are both ready, then begin!" Ino got into a ready fighting position while Sakura rushed at her with slow speed, going for a hay-maker, which Ino dodged, and delivered a hard knee to the gut, and a palm strike to the face, sending the pink haired "kunoichi" into the opposite wall, "Come on forehead, is that all you can do?" Sakura coughed up spit from her mouth from Ino's attack, before struggling to get on her feet.

Ino sighed, knowing she was leagues above Sakura in every department, other than book smarts. The harlot finally got up, and grabbed a poison coated Kunai, which Ino noticed, and started running at Ino, intent on stabbing the Yamanaka. Ino started dodging multiple stabs at her person by her opponent, until she grabbed the wrist that held the Kunai, and added pressure, causing Sakura to drop the Kunai. Ino let go of the wrist, letting Sakura rub her wrist and show the anger on her face, and what happened next shocked almost everyone. Sakura felt a sharp pain on her neck, before black marks started to spread over her body.

Everyone could feel the evil chakra coming off Sakura. Ino started to hyperventilate, scared by how the chakra felt, but steeled herself, 'Come on Ino, you can do this. Clear your mind, and relax.' Ino closed her eyes started to steady her breathing, while Sakura rushed at her slightly faster than she was before, jumped into the air, and attempted a hard punch. Ino jumped out of the way of the attack, and landed on the statue, where she started doing multiple hand signs, before stopping on hare, "Lightning Style: Four Pillar Trap!", suddenly four stone pillars surrounded Sakura, and shocked her as she started to scream.

After a while, the black markings started to retract back to her neck, as Ino stopped her attack, letting the pinkette fall to the ground. Hayate walked over to her, to see her breathing, showing that she wasn't dead but unconscious, and declared the winner. With the match done, Ino left the arena, intent on finding Satsuki.

{With Satsuki}

The female Uchiha was in an isolated area, still thinking about what she did, 'What is with me? I didn't mean to kill him, so why can't I just forget it. I knew I would have had to kill when I became a ninja, so why am I so shaken up about it?' the female Uchiha sighed for the 10th time that she had been sitting there. When she felt someone's hand go on her shoulder, and looked up to see Ino, who had a sad smile on her face, "Heya" the Yamanaka heiress took a seat next to her harem sister, "Look, we all know that you didn't mean to do what you did, but what you need to know is that all of us are right if you need a shoulder to cry on." Satsuki nodded, but still seemed depressed. Ino had a crazy idea run through her head.

(Lime coming up. To all who are under-aged, you might want to look away.)

Ino put one of her hands on Satsuki's face, and made her look at her in surprised Satsuki, mainly because she had her pressed on by Ino's. The passionate kiss started to slowly started turning into a lust and love filled make out session. Ino started to let her hands wander around Satsuki, while the Uchiha heiress did the same to her. After a while, Satsuki pushed Ino down lightly.

(Lime Over)

{Chapter End}

(Sorry this took so long, but I hope you like this one.)

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