The Exams Part 5

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(The song has no purpose. Just play it if you want to listen to some good music while you read.)

{Last Time}

The female Uchiha was in an isolated area, still thinking about what she did, 'What is with me? I didn't mean to kill him, so why can't I just forget it. I knew I would have had to kill when I became a ninja, so why am I so shaken up about it?' the female Uchiha sighed for the 10th time that she had been sitting there. When she felt someone's hand go on her shoulder, and looked up to see Ino, who had a sad smile on her face, "Heya" the Yamanaka heiress took a seat next to her harem sister, "Look, we all know that you didn't mean to do what you did, but what you need to know is that all of us are right if you need a shoulder to cry on." Satsuki nodded, but still seemed depressed. Ino had a crazy idea run through her head.

(Lime coming up. To all who are under-aged, you might want to look away.)

Ino put one of her hands on Satsuki's face, and made her look at her in surprised Satsuki, mainly because she had her pressed on by Ino's. The passionate kiss started to slowly started turning into a lust and love filled make out session. Ino started to let her hands wander around Satsuki, while the Uchiha heiress did the same to her. After a while, Satsuki pushed Ino down lightly.

{Chapter Start}

{Exams Arena}

While Satsuki and Ino were bonding, the rest of the Rookie 9, and the chunin hopefuls had been having a few fights. The first one was Kankuro of the desert against another masked leaf ninja who had the ability to stretch any and every part of his body
He threatened to break the sand sibling's neck, only to find out the boy had swapped himself out for his ninja puppet, which was named Crow. The sand nin won the match by breaking everything in the masked leaf ninja's body but his neck, effectively paralyzing him for life.

The second match was between Kira and one of Fu's teammates. The boy didn't seem like anything special, so Kira ended up underestimating him, and it nearly cost her the match. What made the match interesting was near the end, where the waterfall nin got a lucky hit in on Kira near her neck with a water Justu. There wasn't enough to damage her directly, but it did damage the seal on her neck, which was tied to her disguise genjustu. After the match, everyone, excluding the rookie 9, was shocked when "Kiba" was replaced with a girl, who had spiky long hair tied in a ponytail, and a sizable chest that was covered by her jacket. Hinata and Shino pointed this out to Kira, who was wondering why all the jounin were staring at her. Long story short, Kira was left a stuttering mess as she, along with the rest of the rookie nine explianed what the situation was. The jounin, minus Kakashi who was eyeing Kira over, which got him a death glare from Naruto, saw the reason behind why Kira's mother did what she did.

After that fiasco, the next match was between Temari and Tenten. Tenten did the best she could, but was up against the worst opponent, seeing as she specialized in sealing justu and weaponry, and Temari used wind ninjustu like Naruto, only where he used it mostly to enhance his kenjustu, Temari used her warfan to enhance her long range ninjustu. Temari almost broke Tenten's spine, if weren't for Naruto breaking the warfan with a chakra enhanced kick and catching Tenten in the air. Naruto would have been disqualified, if it weren't for him pointing out that he hit the fan and not Temari herself, and saying he was keeping his step sister from losing one of the things that mattered to her most, which made Kasumi and Jin both depressed that their older brother saw someone else as his family, and anger at Tenten for being that family.

Afterwards, the next match was a tag team match between Jin and Kasumi vs. Fu's remaining teammates. The match could barely be called a fight, as the two Waterfall ninjas were painfully outclassed by the two siblings. After the match was over, they looked to Naruto, expecting to see acknowledgement from their elder sibling, but saw nothing in his eyes, while in the other matches he had emotion in his eyes, showing he didn't care for the match. Jin saw it as a message that he was still behind his older sibling, while Kasumi lost her smile and held her head down. Kushina saw the expressions on their faces, and sighed, still regrading making the decision of leaving Naruto in the leaf village.

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