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"Hi" Human Speech

"You Moron!!" Yelling (Tailed Beast or Summon) or Justsu

'Sup' Tailed Beast or Summoning Speech

("What an idiot") Thoughts(Human)

('I can't wait to get out') Thoughts (Tailed Beast or Summon)

{Time Skip, Location Change, or Flashback}

(An:) Author's Announcement

{Hidden Leaf Village Entrance Gate}

We find the eternal chunin Izumo and Kotesu guarding the entrance as they usually do. "Man, it sure is boring here." "Tell me about it. I wish something instresting happened-" the garuds were cut off by a person falling, what they thought out of the sky. They looked forward to see teams 7 and 11 coming back from their C-rank mission. "Well, you asked for something instresting Kotesu." Izumo said with a taunting tone.

{Hokage Tower}

The Third was seen talking to teams 8 and 10 after they came back from their mission. "Mission report?" "The mission went off alright dad. There was a rouge ninja from the Stone, but wasn't anything our teams couldn't handle." Asuma said explaining how their mission went with Kurenai filling in the blanks. The two teams worked together well, but that was to expected since they all knew each other since they were kids. Shino and Shikamaru were the planners, while Kira and Choji were the heavy hitters with Ino and Hinata being the speed of their teams(An: Ino only acts like a fangirl to help Satsuki and lead them on a wild goose chase.). When Asuma and Kurenai were finished with their mission report Teams 7 and 11 came in. "Ah, Kakashi Kushina, I'm glad to see you and your teams were able to-" he then noticed that the two teams had two extra people, and that one of them was a rouge-nin. He looked at Naruto for an explanation. The blonde hero of the Wave sighed and said "You better get comfortable, because this is a long story,".

He proceed to tell the third hokage about the C-rank turned A-rank, then S-rank when Kisame showed up. "So I offered Zabuza and Haku here some asylum  in the Leaf village, afterwards Gato showed up and me and Zabuza killed him." Naruto said finishing his explanation. "Well, that was a very interesting report. Zabuza, you are going to have to be put on probation to make sure you're sincere. Haku, since you weren't technically a ninja of the mist, you can start when the new teams show up." "Actually, I was hoping to become a medic. I don't really like killing." Haku said. Hiruzen thought for a moment and decided to let Haku work at the hospital. "Everyone, you are dismissed." with that all the teams left the Hokage's office.

{With Naruto}

Naruto was walking through the market district getting glares from most of the civilians and some of the ninja of the village. While he was thinking, he got tacked by two small blurs that slightly knocked the wind out of him while his guard was slightly down for a second. He looked to his chest to see his youngest siblings hugging and looking up at him.  Mito had crimson red hair that would remind you of Kushina, only smaller and crystal blue eyes that were filled with innocence. She was wearing a white shirt with the Uzumaki clan symbol on the back. Menma had blonde hair that had red tips, and had Heterochromia with his eyes being a mixture of his parents with blue in the left and violet on the right. He was wearing a black shirt with the Namikaze clan symbol on the front of the shirt. "Big Bro, we heard that you got back from an S-rank mission." Mito said with joy. "Can you tell us about it please?" Menma asked, curious how his older siblings won.

Naruto didn't hate these two, and he didn't try being indifferent. He knew they didn't have any say in the matter. It wasn't their fault their parents made a stupid decision. The blonde sharingan user was about to explain why he couldn't say anything, but he sensed someone behind him and saw a square rock. Naruto sighed and said, "Konohamaru, Rocks still are not perfectly square, but at least you got rid of the eyeholes." with that said, a huge explosion was seen where the square rock was. "Udon that was way too much gunpowder." a voice said in the smoke, which eventually cleared to show the young Sarutobi and his two friends(Look the same in Part 1 canon.). "So, why were you all skipping class again? It better be a good reason." Naruto asked in a voice that said he was gonna lecture them and then drag them back to the Academy. He was also gonna ask the two Uzu-Nami kids as well, but figured they snuck out when they somehow heard that he was back. "Boss school let out early today. Iruka-sensei had somewhere to be, so we wanted to play ninja with you." Konohamaru said with excitement, but was interrupted by a certain banshee that everyone with a brain hates. "A ninja playing ninja. What a joke." The pink banshee said. Menma looked at her for a while until he said, "Hey big bro, is she your girlfriend?" "No way! She couldn't be. She looks way to ugly and boyish, not to mention her giant forehead." Konohamaru shouted in disbelief. There was long pause, before everyone heard chuckling which turned into full blown laughter.  Everyone looked at the source of the sound, who was Naruto. After 10 minutes of laughter, Naruto finally calmed down and said, "That was a good one Kono, and Menma to answer your question, I would rather fight every Kage that has ever lived with my hands tied behind my back and my chakra sealed up, than even think about going out with this insult to every Kunoichi that has ever or will ever exist. Now that this is all set up, how about I help you 5 with your chakra control and lets all make a bet." the kids got interested when he said bet. "If you all, can finish tree walking before the day ends, then I'll not only help you see what your chakra natures are, me and the gang will help all of you with any 3 justsu you want to learn. Within reason of course." When Naruto finished explaining, the 5 kids looked excited and determined. Konohamaru and Menma ran ahead followed by Mito and Mogei and Udon. Naruto would have followed immediately, but he heard Sakura move after them and held her back by the neck of her dress and turned her around to knock her out via a punch to the stomach. He made a Shadow clone and ordered it to take Sakura home. He may not like and she may be annoying, but she was still a fellow Leaf ninja until she turned traitor. With that done he followed after the kids.

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