Teams and Relevations

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"Hi" Human Speech

"You Moron!!" Yelling (Everyone)

'Hi' Tailed Beast or Summoning Speech

(What an idiot) Thoughts(Everyone) or Translation

{Time Skip, Location Change, or Flashback}

(An:) Author's Announcement

(An: I am going to abandoning the Japanese words, With the exception of some justu ,so this will be English only. Don't like it, then don't read it. Also, I will not be making Minato the hokage, but he will be an Anbu agent, and Kushina will have her children on her team, except Naruto)

{Location: Leaf Village Academy classroom}

Naruto was early for the academy and was about to say goodbye to this place for good. The first person to enter the classroom was "Sauske" Uchiha who was looking at him with concern and, if one looked close enough passion. Naruto threw "him" a friendly smile. In response, "Sauske" looked away with a tint of pink on "his" cheeks. "He" then went to sit in his usual spot near the window, only this time, Naruto joined him. "I think that you are going to have even more trouble with your fangirls today" Naruto said with a small smirk of knowing. The second person to enter the classroom was "Kiba" Inuzuka the "heir" to the Inuzuka clan and his trusty ninja hound, Akamaru. When "he" saw Naruto "he" threw him a friendly smile, before throwing a glare at "Sauske", and afterwards sat next to Naruto. After an awkward silence, Naruto was the one to break it. "So, are you two ready to start with our ninja careers?". Both of them were surprised at the question, but "Kiba" was the firsrt to respond, and said "Hell yeah! I honestly hope that I get at someone from the group, even "Sauske" would be better than most of the other people that I would have to work with", "Sauske" responded, "For once we both agree on something". It was no secret to Naruto and his group of secret friends, that "Sauske and "Kiba" hated fangirls, and thought it was a bit of irony.

{Time skip to Iruka's arrival}

After waiting for an hour, Iruka finally showed up, but didn't start right away and looked like he got pissed off on the way to the classroom. Two minutes later, two people no one but Naruto recognized showed up, Every person who saw them had about the same thoughts (They look a lot like Naruto for some reason). These were two of his little siblings, Jin and Kasumi Uzu-Nami, the children of the Fourth Hokage and The Red Grim Reaper, Kushina Uzumaki, Iruka looked their way and after a second, Looked back to the class. "These are two students that had been trained by Lady Kushina and were requested to be genin after showing they could do a different variation of the clone justu.". After that he started his speech. During it, Naruto remembered the day that he met the Nine Tails.

{Flashback: 6 years ago}

Naruto was running for his life from a mob and made his little body move as fast as he could. He could hear birds chirping behind him, and looked to see a hand coated in lighting going for his stomach and hit. The last words he heard was "Sensei has finally been avenged", with that he fell into the darkness of unconsciousness.

{Naruto's Mindscape}

When Naruto woke up, he was in a sewer that looked like it had not been cleaned in a while. He started to follow the pipe lines to find the exit. When he reached the end, he saw a cage with a piece of paper on it, that read the kanji of seal. He went to get a closer look, and when he did, e saw a giant fox with the Nine Tailed Fox. It finally noticed Naruto's presence. 'So, my jailor finally decided to grace me with his presence.', Naruto just stared at it for a few seconds, then started to laugh really hard. After about 10 minutes of laughing, with breaths in-between, he finally looked up at the fox with a smirk, "I knew there was a reason everyone but the Old man hated my guts, but this is too good, they actually think that I'm you. I never thought that my own species as such idiotic and moronic creatures.". To say the least, the fox was surprised. He expected to see his container cowering on his ass, or yell that it was all it's fault that he was hated. Instead, he was laughing and calling his species a bunch of brainless idiots. The fox started to chuckle, which turned into an all out laugh fest. Once it started to calm down it spoke, 'I like you kit, you have to be the funniest flesh bag I have ever seen in my life. So, I'm gonna make a deal with you. I'll help you get stronger and achieve whatever you have your mind set on becoming. In exchange, you help me kill the person that took control of me the day you were born. I'll even let you use some of my chakra, when it is fully regained. Deal?'. Naruto seemed confused about something before saying his answer, "Deal, but Can you answer one question? Who would be brave enough, or stupid enough to even attempt to control you? The only person I can think of is Madara Uchiha, and he is long dead.", the Nine Tails answered with, 'It wasn't Madara, but it was an Uchiha. OH! And before I forget, Madara was your mom's dad in other words your grandpa.' It took Naruto a few seconds to process what he was told. He took it rather well. "WAIT WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!". 'Yep, Madara is your old geezer. Now get out of here I need some sleep'. Before Naruto could say anything on the subject, he was forced out of his mindscape and into the World of the living.

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