Chapter 3

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Krystal had just woken up to get a beating from Axel.

She ended up passing out on the floor and Axel took the pleasure of waking her.

A loud groan broke the silence of the room followed by her rolling her eyes. She couldn't even get peace in her sleep. Does he even sleep?

She started to get enraged and simply looked at him with a resting face. She was tired and couldn't deal with him at the moment.

"Why the hell are you lying on the ground. We have to clean the floors and that means all dirt comes off so get up."

His words hurt like a dagger to her heart, but she couldn't say she wasn't used to the bleeding.

"You know what? Stay there. We'll throw you out with the rest of the garbage. Should feel like home to you."

He was supposed to act like a brother to her. So why was he acting like she was the most foul creature ever to step foot on earth? Her finding her mate tomorrow was the only thing in her mind giving her peace at this moment.

This is the time to stand up for myself without a mate by my side. She got even more excited because she felt her wolf rising from within her. Because her birthday was so close, she would meet her wolf for the first time.

This newfound strength would be a challenge. The fight that she had always fought as a child would only get harder.

Axel called her all of the names that she struggled for 7 years to fight off. Emotionally and physically, she was hurt. And because he was now the Alpha, a position that he was given once he turned 18, people followed his ways as well, and started to physically abuse Krystal with him, and call her names.

It was dreadful to endure this every single day. It seemed never-ending. The first couple of years she tried her best to act unfazed. But as the years went on she began to ache from the social isolation. She spoke only to her best friend, Hana, to keep her sane. She would have surely lost it had it not been for her. That's why she's been so grateful for a friend like her.

Some days she just felt like dying, but she didn't want give up that easily. She wouldn't give up that easily. She had something to look forward to. And she didn't want the memory of her as being hated by everyone to be her legacy. She would change her fate if it was the last thing she ever did. She would show everyone that they were wrong about her. That she was special. That she was important. That she was not worthless.

Krystal was so deep in her thoughts that she almost forgot that Axel was still here.

Axel then kicked her square in the face


And Krystal decided to fight back. She swiftly moved her legs in a turning fashion and knocked his feet over, which placed Axel on his behind.

Stunned, he didn't react for a couple of seconds.

"Did you just-"

Krystal quickly got up and ran. She would try to make it to her room. The only place she has felt safe from everyone else.

Axel in a rage saw that she was escaping and chased after her. He let his guard down. He wouldn't let that happen again.

"You little-"

Krystal evaded his grasp twice as she neared her room, which only made Axel angrier that he couldn't manage to get his hands on her yet.

Eventually he caught up and tackled her to the ground just before she reached her room. Instead of having her arms catch all the impact from the fall, she landed in such a way that the side of her head took a good portion of the blow instead.

The impact of the landing was so hard that Krystal began to again see black spots clouding her vision before she finally blacked out.

Axel sucked his teeth. He wanted her to be conscious to feel the pain he was about to inflict on her. Seeing that she was looking a bit pale, he rolled his eyes, grunting at what he was about to do. He opened the door to her room, threw her inside and left.

Then he later returned with a plate of steaming hot pancakes, eggs, and bacon and left it on her counter. He knew that when she woke up later, it would be cold but he didn't care.

After all, he needed her to survive so that she could endure the pain he was going to inflict on her later. He would really make her regret knocking him off his feet.

As he looked at her unconscious face, blood dripping from her nose, he wondered why now he felt like "helping her" by giving her food.

Was it remorse? No. She deserved it. She was to blame. But for some reason, he felt like he was repeating these thoughts over and over in his head in order for he himself to believe what he was saying.

Maybe it was his wolf. His wolf was the one to persuade him to give her food. But why would his wolf do that? He had never done this before. He didn't want to think about it for too long, so he just rolled his eyes, and slammed the door, leaving unconscious Krystal on the floor again.


The next chapter will be longer☺. Don't worry guys.

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