Chapter 5

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He glared at her ferociously. If eyes could kill she'd would be buried right now.

But now he can't hurt her anymore.. Right? I mean she's his mate.

He opened his mouth, and Krystal expected some type of surprise or at the very least some type of joy.

" How could I be mated to someone like you? You are so damn revolting!! Is this a curse? Out of all people you? I should have killed you long time ago. 


The words could barely fall out of her mouth. She wasn't just scared. She was petrified. She didn't want her mate to be him. She was sorry for all the pain that she caused and she had always been the target of his anger. 

But maybe this could change things. Maybe he would listen to her now and they would heal together since they were now mated for life...

"Axel" She said with more confidence now.

Axel shivered from his name coming from her lips. He turned his head away slightly mad at himself from hearing his name in her mouth. That small sliver of ectasy quickly turned back into rage as he whipped his head back to her and stared her back down.

"I don't deserve this. I don't want to be with the likes of you." Disgust crept onto his face and his face scrunched as he said each word.

Krystal tried to convince him otherwise. She needed him to finally listen to her.

"Look Axel,"

Another shiver.

"I'm sorry for what I did. No amount of apologies could ever make up what I did to you. But the moon goddess put us together for a reason. Maybe we're meant to heal each other... to grow together. To forgive each other and you know.... actually be happy"

"You? Give me happiness? Is that a joke? I don't deserve this." 

Axel kept repeating to himself in disbelief that this moment was even real.

"This isn't happening... I don't deserve this..."

"I know..." Krystal whispered to herself. 

Axel had heard this, and for a moment sympathy flashed in his eyes before being replaced with darkness.

"I ruined you and I didn't mean to. But I know that we can make this right. We can be happy together. I know I don't deserve you but I'm willing to do whatever I can to-"

"You deserve to be buried with my parents."


To say that those words hurt would be an understatement.

Krystal immediately shut up. No amount of words could soothe the pain he was experiencing. But didn't he know that she was experiencing pain for herself as well? She has been keeping all of her pain trapped inside of her--- scared that if she let it out, it would ruin her very being.

She never expected this to happen at all. He wasn't considering her own emotions. She had lost her parents as well. The only people who ever took her in. Who ever cared for her. And she blames herself everyday for their deaths. Axel was surrounded by his pack members, while Krystal was shut out. 

That alone would have driven her mad, if it wasn't for her best friend. She had almost forgot that she was still sitting right beside her. Hana awkwardly sat beside her feeling that it wasn't her place to intervene in such a touchy subject.

 She felt a little anger rise in her chest but quelled it instantly once she felt her wolf begin to whimper. It was almost like....her heart was being ripped apart. Was she going to be rejected? Is that what this feeling was?

The nightmare of rejection that Krystal had been dreading had finally caught up with her reality. She closed her eyes shut, and prepared for the pain. Yet it never came...

" I won't reject you. I can't reject you. I will let you feel all the pain you've caused me tenfold."

"Axel please. You can heal. We can heal. We can be better werewolves. We can grow together and-"

His eyes darkened even more. Krystal wasn't sure that was even possible. "Sorry sweetheart. I don't think I can ever feel the same way about you."

Then he spit on the floor in her direction---as though she was beneath his feet.

She cowered away. This was disrespectful in so many ways.

She had never felt so disgusting. Was he going to kill her? He did make a threat earlier on.. Why was she so cowardly? Why couldn't she stand up for herself? Why couldn't she be stronger? She had fallen back deep into the pits of depression, unsure if she would ever escape this time.

She couldn't feel her wolf anymore. It was like it hibernated to the back of her head to shield itself from the rejection.

"I may be your... MATE.."

He said it as if it was the most revolting word on earth and had a sour taste in his mouth.

"..But I will never love you. You ruined me. Once I find a way to get rid of the mate bond painlessly for me, I will make it my personal duty to make your life hell. "

Even more than it already was? 

He then left the room.

Krystal felt absolutely pathetic. She had just begged for his forgiveness for the 1000th time, and nothing. Nothing could move him. He was like a boulder, and her the ocean: teasing the boulder hoping that it would move ever so slightly, but it doesn't and maybe never would. 

Her wolf was faint. This was unexpected for her too.

She wanted so badly to move on. She had grieved all her tears away. She wanted to be happy. Was that too much to ask? If she had known that trying to save her parents all those years ago, would leave her in so much sadness this many years later, she would have given herself up to the rogues in an instant.

Hana who was still in the room-- speechless embraced Krystal in a hug while Krystal was frozen in place--almost stunned at what just happened. 

Hana just kept repeating words like "It's gonna be ok." "Don't worry, he has no idea what's coming for him. I'm gonna-"

After that the words just dulled out.

Krystal definitely enjoyed Hana's warm embrace, but her heart felt ice cold--solid waiting to be pierced by a sharp enough arrow to take her out.

She was slowly losing hope. But she wouldn't give up. She was alive for a reason. And she was determined to figure out what that reason was.


You made it through. 


Whoever needs to hear this: Be strong. It isn't over yet. There is always something beautiful in the picture that you may be overlooking due to the tears in your eyes. It will be ok. You will be ok. Keep going. You can do this.

I needed to end with a positive note's about to get... crazy. :)

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