Chapter 13

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"Please Krystal, wake up."

Outside the window of the room, the wind bristled against the trees. It was as if a message was trying to escape as the wind wrapped itself around the branches. The bright and sunny day felt ironic to the heavy mood in the emergency room.

The light shone on the rocks, the grass, the trees, and the men behind it.

The wind wrapped around them too, shielding every movement and taking the blame for the rustles of bushes that could be seen from the window.

Behind every tree, it was as though they were cloaked. Only if you peered hard enough, and squinted to look through the darkness, you would see a slight shadow-- a figure to say the least. No, two. Maybe, three. Countless.

Only one studious glare would let you know that you were not alone.

No one was anymore.


Present Day:

A large gasp filled the room as Crystal shot up from the hospital bed. Heavy pants ensued as she tried to get as much oxygen as she could into her lungs. She closed her eyes to take deeper breaths and calm herself down.

Where am I?

She looked to the left of her and saw some 'Get Well Balloons.'

She scrunched her face up in confusion. 

Who would get her those?

She tried to move but instantly laid back down after feeling a sharp pain near her right hip. The beeping that she heard from the heart monitor rose intensely as she took deep breaths to calm down. As she laid down and stared at the ceiling, her thoughts ran around in her head.

How long have I been out for?  Why am I here?

As she began to think more and more, but it was hard for her to recall just exactly how she got here. She looked at the tubes tied up to her wrists as well as the scar on her left shoulder.

Then memories came flooding back to her. 

Her mate. 

Her mate had tried to kill her. 

Tears pricked at her eyes and her heart rate began to increase again. Her throat felt like it was heating up and tightening. She was on the brink of a panic attack. 

She began to close her eyes again and take deep breaths.





That was when a nurse had entered the room quickly after hearing the rapid beeping noises coming from Krystal's heart monitor. Krystal opened her eyes to see who was the intruder. She gazed at Krystal and they locked eyes, before the nurse quickly ran back out the room. Krystal could hear her shouting "She's awake! She's awake, Alpha!"

Krystal's mind began swirling as the nurse said those words. Her breathing began to intensify when she realized that monster would be back in the same room as she was. 

Did he get me these damn balloons?

Krystal wasn't one to curse often, but after almost losing her life she didn't care about watching her words. Only saying what she meant and meaning what she says. 

She heard footsteps picking up the pace and nearing the door. In an effort to stay calm, she bit her lip hard, using her faint fangs to pierce the skin ever so slightly. It was her way of distracting her from the current situation.

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