Chapter 10

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Krystal was still on his mind. For some reason, his anger came back to the surface.

Everytime he thought about her, he would feel a consuming anger.
He thought he got over this, but apparently not since he still felt angry every time he thought of her name.

Maybe it was the alcohol?

Well, it was doing its job in getting him drunk, maybe it could make him forget about his anger too.

After all, he just wanted to forget...

And that's exactly what happened.


He drank and drank.

And kept drinking.

It took a lot of alcohol to get a werewolf drunk, but that's what he wanted to be. He NEEDED to be drunk right now.

He couldn't handle pack responsibilities on top of a mate right now. He put the cup down and started drinking straight from the bottle.

This one had a funny taste but he just passed it off as the stinging of the alcohol.

On the bright side, maybe he could wake up the next morning, with nothing but a headache to bother him rather than his pack. 

He groggily put down the finished bottle of wine and relaxed in his chair.

He would handle the important issues tomorrow.


That sounds like a good plan.

His eyes grew weaker, and it felt like weights were pulling his eyelids down.

His vision grew weary and blurry and he knew he would pass out soon.

All he had to do was get some shut eye and tomorrow would be a better day.


It was a couple of hours later. 

It didn't feel like he had slept the night. Was it because he drank too much?

He took notice of his position.

He was in his room, yes, but was on the floor.

How did I end up on the floor? Did I fall? Why didn't the fall wake me up?

He felt the headache coming on full force and pressed his hand to his head to soothe the pain. Yet when he did, his hand slipped off his forehead and through his hair.

He pulled back his hand.

Why are my hands so slippery?

 The room was clouded with darkness and he couldn't even see his nose. Only the light of full moon pierced through the darkness and gave him vision to see. 

He crawled to the window on the other side of the room. The breeze allowed the curtains to flow with the light. 
As Axel brought his hands towards it, he noticed that they were stained red.

In a panic, he brought his hands back and checked if he was in any pain.

He wasn't.

So whose blood could it be? He tried to remember exactly what had happened before he passed out.

What was he thinking of?

He was thinking of being free of his pack responsibilities and.... his mate.

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