Chapter 8

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So I just realized, most of the views on my chapters are from me....

If one of my chapters have like 15 reads, a good 13-14 are by me because of how many times I edited them....

Because when I go to edit them, for some reason it's sometimes counted as a view.

Welp. That hurt ma sole. T_T

Anywhoo...😌 Let's move on...(if you're miraculously a reader other than myself.)


Tears flowed down her cheeks and her eyebrows furrowed in pain.

She was being dragged into the bathroom and then lifted up only to plunge into a world of darkness.

She came up for air. The water glistened over her face. This would have been a picture perfect moment if it wasn't riddled with pain and agony. 

Axel threw Krystal into the bathtub and sat on the ground near the tub. His hands were folded over the edge and his head rested on his arms as he stared back at Krystal with amusement. He looked like a kid waiting for his favorite toy.

As soon as Krystal was plunged into the water, she felt nothing.

It was when she came up for air that she realized everything burned. Her voice seemed to escape her. Her mouth kept opening and closing and her eyes kept leaking tears. She kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to look at him anymore. She was disgusted at him.

Her body shook as it was completely immersed underneath the water. It wasn't enough to drown her but it covered her body completely.

Her body thrashed in the pool of water as her blood changed the liquid dark red.
Every time she made a feeble effort to get out, Axel would just push her back down again and grin to himself.

The cuts on her thighs, head, back, and cheek started to sting more than they should have.

Krystal felt like she was literally burning. 

What the hell was in this water?

"Feeling anything irritating you?" Axel said with the same sickening grin on his face.

Krystal was breathless but she mustered up enough strength to whisper what she had to say.

"You're the fricking irritant."

Axel ignored her statement.

"So that's a little wolfsbane that I put in the water. Just a tad ya know?"

 As if it wasn't enough.


"Cute. That's the best you can do? What. No curses or nothing?  Well, don't worry. I'll see you there.""

She stared at him with such hatred and rage you could feel the tension in the air.

Her heart began to beat even more rapidly. She wanted him to feel the hatred that she felt for him in this moment. She concentrated her best while looking into his eyes. And for a moment she saw him flinch and hold his head.

It was only for a moment but he regained his sluggish composure and laughed it off.

"Just so you know, when you die, no one will care."

His words struck harder than the wolfsbane running through her veins.

Krystal snorted and sucked up all of her spit and shot it at his face. Her saliva was mixed in with blood and Krystal was proud of her work. Now he looked like how she viewed him-- a murderer.

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