Chapter 4

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Krystal woke up later that day at 11 pm. Her head was pounding from earlier.

When she looked at the time, she realized just how long she had slept. It was almost midnight and she was about to turn 18.

She hugged her knees to her chest because she was unsure of what to do. Not only was her head killing her but there was a possibility she would meet her mate soon if he was in her pack.

How could she have let herself sleep so long? How could she be so weak? She needed to get stronger. She would need to eat more and basically double her exercise routine. She was strong but not strong enough. And it would be her mission to be the strong  independent werewolf she always dreamed of being.

She didn't want to be a disappointment to her mate AND herself. She was NOT going to let that happen.

She smelled something and her eyes traveled to her bedroom counter. It was breakfast. But who made it for her? And it was certainly too late in the night for it to be a morning meal. So, did someone make her breakfast for her birthday? 

Krystal concluded it must have been Hana, her best friend, and a smile appeared on her face. While still laying on the floor, she reached over to her bedroom counter, pulled the plate off of it, and started eat her "breakfast" even though it was cold. She didn't realize how hungry she was until she had finished the entire plate in just 3 minutes.

"Of course Hana would do this. She's amazing."

Just when she thought this, Hana came through the secret compartment in her bedroom.


They had discovered this compartment 2 years ago and had used it to talk to each other whenever they wanted. The entrance was on floor 1 and she used it to get to floor 3 without pulling much attention to her.

" I brought you a cake and a smile! "

Krystal started grinning from ear to ear. She got up and started walking towards Hana but started to stumble before giving up and falling to the floor. 

"Krystal? What's wrong?"

Hana quickly set the platter which held the cake on the floor and rushed to her side to help her up. She set Krystal onto her bed and felt her head. 


Hana went through the pockets of her jumpsuit overalls and grabbed some clean napkins that she had stuffed in there earlier. She went to Krystal's dried bloody nose and tried to clean up as much as she could. She grabbed the bottle of water off the bedroom counter and wet the tissue to clean up the rest of the blood that dripped down her chin.

"Who did this to you..."

Krystal stirred and opened her eyes to see Hana and tried getting up. 

"No, you're not well. You can't get up yet."

"Hana, you've done enough. Thank you. You're a really good friend. Thanks for the breakfast."

"I'd hardly call cake breakfast but it'll work if you want it to."

Krystal raised her eyebrow in confusion. 

"You didn't leave the pancakes and eggs here?"

"Would it make you feel better if I told you that I did?"

Krystal started to get worried. What if it had been poison?

"But if it wasn't you then-"

"Ok, so you have a guardian angel. Don't think about it for too long. Please  let's dig into this cake."

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