Chapter 11

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beep....beep... beep....

Axel is leaning over the side of the bed with his head tucked into his arms. His tears have soaked into the blouse he was wearing and his headache definitely worsened from all of the crying.

He wanted to sleep but couldn't.

The beeping of the heart monitor was his lullaby, but the nightmares in each beep kept him awake. 

I almost lost her...

I almost killed her...


Every time he thought about what had happened, it would bring more and more tears to his eyes. Thank the moon goddess, help had come when it did. 

She was dead.


He could remember placing his hands on her chest and desperately trying to revive her. He could still feel the tingles on his lips when he tried to give her CPR. He could still feel the worry that coursed through his body as every second felt like an hour she wasn't breathing.

He didn't stop until a breath was back in her body, and he heard her low breathing.

She had gotten a pulse, but it was faint.

Then he went to call for help.

He signaled the pack nurse through the mind-link, and he could still picture the shock that arose from her furrowed eyebrows and bulging eyes. 

Axel listened to the beeping hammering in his ears.

It was the only noise louder than his own thoughts. 

He wanted to drift away and forget about everything around him.

But every time he did, he would get see Krystal's frightened face and hear her screams echoing in his eardrums. He could feel the memories flooding back to him.

The voice in his head only grew louder and louder

You're a monster.


You deserve to d-

no. leave me alone

Can't you see what you've done to her? You've BROKEN her.

I didn't mean t-

But you did. And that changes everything.

please... please... stop..

Soon enough, the tears continued to overflow and he clutched his chest in agony.

He was given the one opportunity to have a mate-- a gift not everyone gets to have-- and he threw it away. He clenches his shirt in his hands. As if his grip on his shirt was the grapple that was weighing him down to sanity.

"I'm sorry..... I'm so sorry.."

Soon enough he became exhausted. His head pulsed and his eyes were blotchy and red.

He wasn't sure of when it happened, but slowly and surely he had fallen asleep.


Axel didn't know where he was.

Everything surrounding him was surreal. 

He was amidst a large forest underneath the night sky.

It glowed an array of blue and pink, and the stars illuminated the sky and forest. 

He marveled at it only for so long before he turned around and saw a woman. 

She was clothed in all white and her robe glistened like the stars. Her glow radiated her surroundings brighter than the sky ever could. Her skin was a beautiful bronze and her eyes matched the wonder of her clothing. She was astonishing.

He had never seen anyone like her before.

Could she be the....

With immediate realization, Axel started to get on his hands and knees to show his respect.

"Get up boy."

Axel shot straight up and couldn't tear his eyes away from the marvel in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, I-

"I know who you are."

"You do?"

Axel was unsure as to why he was surprised. She was the moon goddess after all.

"I offered you a gift..."

"Moon goddess, I-"

"Yet you destroyed the packaging, ripped its bow off, and trampled on it."


"Have you nothing else to say for yourself rather than stutter before me like a buffoon?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. Please... I'll do anything you-

"I want nothing from you. I need nothing from you. "

"What.... what can I do?"

"You need to change.

"I don't know how- I can't-"

"So you will have everything taken everything away from you."

"No wait!"

"Prepare yourself."


Axel immediately shot straight up and was covered in sweat.

He put his hand to his head and lowered it down as he stared at the sweat glistening in his palms.

My headache is gone... but what was that dream?

He didn't even notice that his beta, Jake, had arrived and was sitting across the room. His eyes lingered on the heavily bruised body that laid on the bed.

"My word...what did you d-"


Axel takes a deep breath, trying to recompose himself and structure his words correctly. For some reason he was out of breath.

"What are you doing here?"

Jake's eyes lingered on Krystal for a couple seconds more before they shifted to Axel's face. He could tell that Axel wasn't going to answer his question on what had happened so he decided to get straight to the point.

He deeply inhaled and paused before answering.

"Alpha... we have a problem."


This is a shorter chapter than the rest but I hope you enjoy!
I've been having some time constraints but I'm still trying to keep consistent with this story.

Random question: Do any of you know the musical Beetlejuice? *_*

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