Jensen Ackles X Reader

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You're Filming A Scene & Dean/Jensen Sees Your Cuts
Title- I Will Never Ever Let Him Hurt You Again
Warnings- self harm, abuse, rape

Quite recently, you boyfriend had begun hitting you, abusing you, and raping you. You had kept silent. Not even telling anyone when you began coming to work with black eyes and bruised cheeks and busted lips. You just left it to be covered by the makeup artists.
It was a basic scene, you playing Loran, a rookie hunter, caught in a vamp nest, and tortured until Jensen and Jared rescue you. You'd reached the part of the scene when Jensen had to stick up the would on your arm. Jensen pressed down on the 'wound', your que to scream in pain.
"Loran, stay with me" Jensen murmured, Dean's lines rolling from his tongue "Eyes, Loran, eyes open."
"Dean, Dean, I'm sorry, I should've listened to you" you whispered.
Jensen forced tears to his eyes as he pulled you closer.
"Castiel" he screamed "please!"
The camera paused and Misha walked onto set as you, Jensen and Jared froze. The camera began recording again and Misha kneeled beside you and Jensen while Jared continues to pull vamp corpses into a pile. As the director called CUT Jensen leaned into your ear.
"I know not all those cuts are makeup Y/N" he whispered.
You swallowed shakily and pulled away running to your dressing room. Jensen chased after you, but you slammed the door and locked it.
"Y/N, let me in. Now!" He growled.
"Go away Jensen, please."
"I know someone's hurting you Y/N, please tell me. I don't want you to hurt yourself, you're not alone."
"I am alone though" you whispered, your voice breaking.
"I can help you, Y/N, please let me in" Jensen pleaded and you slowly reached for the lock, releasing it and letting a teary Jensen Ackles into your dressing room. "You could've told me you were hurting."
"I don't know you" you said emotionlessly.
"Y/N, please, I don't want you to be in pain."
Your walls broke down as real tears escaped his eyes.
"My boyfriend" you choked out.
"He hits you, doesn't he Y/N?"
You just nodded.
"Does he abuse you?"
You nodded again as he pulled you into his chest.
"Does he...?"
The sentence didn't need to be finished, you both knew.
You nodded weakly and let out a strangled sob.
"Shhh, Y/N, I'm here now, he can't hurt you."

Jensen pulled his car into his drive and jumped out, running around to open your door. You stepped out, legs shaking as he led you to the door. He opened it and let you inside bringing you to the lounge and sitting you down on the couch and draped the throw over your shoulders.
"I need you to tell me everything Y/N, can you do that?"
You just nodded weakly and hiccuped.
"He, he was cheating on me and I asked him about it, I-I saw messages, in his ph-phone and he got m-mad at me, and he-he slapped me. He said t-that it w-was all my fault a-and I didn't give him what he wanted anymore" you stammered "that was when I came to the set with the bruised cheek. When I got home I saw that h-he had my script and he looked so m-mad. That was when the script said me and Jared were meant to k-kiss. I asked the writer to change it and he d-did. B-but he still got m-mad and he, he..." you burst into tears and Jensen hugged you again.
"Shhh, Y/N, you don't have to go back there, I promise."
You could hear footsteps and a woman whispering "Who is that?"
Jensen just shushed her and pulled you back so he could look you straight in your eyes.
"Do you want to go to the police?" He whispered and you shook your head. "Okay, but I want you to come wash that makeup off while I get a bandage for your arms. I don't want the kids seeing your arms." You nodded and followed him to the kitchen, washing off your makeup so he could see what your boyfriend had done. When you turned back to him he whimpered and more tears escaped his eyes. "This is bullshit" he growled "this isn't fair."
You looked down and covered your face as his wife appearing in the doorway.
"Y/N, this is my wife, can you tell her what you told me? Please?"
Your shoulders shuddered and you shook your head as you looked up. Revealing your black eye, busted lip, bruised cheek, and hickeys. What stood out the most though was the black bruised ring on your neck. You heard a gasp from the doorway and Jensen's wife stood with her hand over her mouth. Jensen pulled you into another hug.
"I promise Y/N, I will never ever let him hurt you again."

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