Dean Winchester X Reader

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You're Dean's Daughter And You Get Possessed
Title- Your Baby Girl Isn't Innocent
Warnings- self harm (Chuck, what's wrong with me), mentions of bulimia, mentions of anorexia, possession, mentions of rape, mentions of abuse (yep, it's official. I'm fucked. Why can't I write about nice stuff?)

You inhaled deeply, raising your fist and knocking lightly on the door. You'd been directed here by a local, who'd seen the impala drive down this way a few times, and the abandoned building was the only property on the road. You stepped back from the door, hearing footsteps.
The door swung open to reveal a tall man, with brown hair coming past his ears stood in front of you with a gun.
"Who are you?" He grumbled.
"Is Dean here?"
"Who's asking?"
"His daughter" you whispered, a tear escaping your eye. "Is he here, or not. Mum said he had an impala. They met when they were 20. Mum's name was Shyla?"
"You're a liar" the man snapped.
"Who are you?" You retorted.
"Dean's brother."
"Ah, the one that abandoned him, just like Dean abandoned us."
"Shut up" the man whispered.
"Sammy, you need some help?" Another man shouted.
"Come up here!"
He turned for a moment. You felt a pang in my chest, and when you tried to move your legs didn't respond.
"No, come down here!"
"Ugh, well, come in."
Your body moved without your command and the first thing the man 'Sammy' did when you stepped inside, was throw water on you.
It burnt like acid, and you cried out in pain, falling to the ground and covering you face.
"She's possessed!"

You woke in a dark room, tied to a chair. The men from before stood in front of you.
"Who sent you?" The shorter man yelled.
"So, you must be this little whore's father" your body laughed.
"Shut up demon scum!"
So, a demon. A fucking demon.
"Oh, Dean Winchester, she was asking for it."
"Shut up!" Your father yelled.
"She's here cuz her stepfather snapped her mother's neck" the demon laughed.
"I said shut the hell up!" Dean screamed.
"Her mum accused him of raping her baby girl. How fucking sweet!"
A tear slid down your face. "You should see the stupid bitch's wrist, if you ask me, she should cut deeper. Oh and the starvation, the vomiting."
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio, infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica" Sam shouted and a cloud of black smoke flew from your body.
"Are you really my daughter?" Dean whispered.
You nodded, shaking violently as loud sobs escaped your mouth as Sam came to untie you.
"Was all that true?"
You froze, words sticking in your throat.
"You step father raped you, didn't he?"
This caused you to let out more sobs, sounding like screams, before shoving the chair back and kicking the closest wall, before nodding.
"How many times?"
"Since, since I-I was f-five" you hiccuped. Dean immediately bundled you into his arms.
"I'm gonna be the best dad ever, I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you" Dean stammered into your hair.
"Thanks" you whispered.
"The demon said... you know... your arms."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"No talking, just looking" Dean whispered "please?"
You nodded limply, knowing it wasn't an argument you could win."
Dean pulled up your sleeve, gasping in horror.
"Baby, how could you?"
"You weren't there" you grumbled.
"You're so skinny, how much do you weigh?" Sam asked.
"92 pounds" you choked out.
"Oh, sweetheart" Dean whispered "you're gonna get better, I promise."

Ugh, I am trash. This was so shit. I am trash. This was trash.

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