Jensen Ackles X Reader

842 12 3

You're The Result Of A One Night Stand & You Runaway After Your Mum Dies
Title- I'm So Sorry
Warnings- daddy daughter fluff, parental death, me being sucky as per always gah

I haven't updated in like two months, damn, that's depressing af. But I've got me a friend whose like a fucking antidepressant and he's fucking amazing. So thanks to him for always being able to cheer me up and sticking by me even tho I suck, and thanks to clo_knight for requesting this ☺️ sorry it took so long
Y/N is 14

You'd never expected child services to show up at your door so soon. Your whole world had just collapsed around you, and now they wanted to move you from the only place you'd ever known. You'd reacted badly, you'd admit that, but how else had they expected you to. It was how you'd ended up climbing out the window and through the neighbours backyard. You didn't want to go into the system. You'd heard nothing but bad things about the system.

Of course, a fourteen year old girl running down the street barefoot and crying, it caught people's attention. Soon enough, there was police looking for you, and people were more than willing to rat you out.

Soon enough, you'd been chased down by a cop car, tackled in broad daylight, and hauled into a divvy van. Throughout the whole ride, you'd taken advantage of the lack of cuffs and thrown yourself at the walls of the moving van, smashing your arms against the seats, screaming "I hate you" repeatedly. It also meant that by the time you'd reached the police station, bruises were blooming over you arms and legs, you had a black eye, a blood nose, and a split lip. Your knees were grazed from the gravel when the officer had tackled.

It was a shocking sight for the man at the counter, whom was signing paper work, to see his daughter being manhandled by officers like a criminal.

"Y/N?" his voice was low, cracking slightly.

You just nodded your head.

"Honey, I'm... I heard about Y/Mum's/N" he grumbled.

"Yeah" you snapped.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, I should have been there for you, I should've watched you grow up."

Realization smacked you in the face and your breath caught in your throat.

"Dad?" You croaked, your voice cracking for the first time in years.

"Y/N, honey, I'm so sorry."

You took a shaky step forward, collapsing into his open arms.

"It's okay" you stammered, tears brimming in the corners of your E/C eyes, eventually spilling down your (porcelain/golden/dark) cheeks.

"My baby girl."

Ehhhhh. I hope it was okay. I haven't written a characterXreader in so long. Let alone written an imagine in so long. Anyway Chloe, hope u liked it. Don't forget to request, comment, vote, and follow. 😘

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