Jared Daddalecki X Jensen Ackles X Reader

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Jared Cheats On You And Goes To Jensen For Advice
Title- I Trusted You, You Bastard
Warnings- cheating

Ikr. Lol. I just had to put that there. Vote if u know what I mean. Requested by @Multi__Phandom_Trash

Three days.
Three days of chocolates.
Of flowers.
Of cards.
Showing up on your doorstep. All from the man you now classified your ex, even though you'd never broken up. You'd walked in on Jared mounting some woman on your bed.
He just blamed you, saying you were a prude, and that it was your fault. You had been saving yourself for the right person, and thankfully, now you knew it wasn't Jared.
Every time something new showed up, your destroyed it, ripping carded, melting chocolates, tearing boxes, pulling apart roses. And putting it all in garbage bags for Jensen to put back on Jared's doorstep for you. The bastard had even tried sending jewellery, which you promptly took to the jewellers and sold, receiving seven grand for one piece. The old you would have been touched that he'd spent so much. But this you hated him, hoping he'd disappear or die.
Pictures of you and him lay strewn around your room in shreds and a picture of his smiling face had devils horns scribbled on it in red marked, and a knife threw the eye, impaling the wall.
Yes, that was how much you hated him.
As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. You took your time answering it, knowing it would be a flower delivery for the second time that day.
But it wasn't.
The lying cheating bastard was standing at your door. In the flesh.
"Y/N" he whispered "I'm sorry, please."
"No" you screamed "I trusted you, you bastard!"
"Y/N please forgive me."
"Get off my fucking porch, or I'll call the cops."
"I don't care, I need to talk to you."
You slipped your hand behind the door, feeling the handle of a baseball bat. You swung it, knocking his shoulder.
"I said, get off my fucking porch!" You screamed, now in tears.
"Y/N, please!"
"No." You raised your foot, catching him in the crotch. "Get off my property."
You took advantage of him being of the ground to swing the bat a few more times.
"I fucking hate you!"
"You don't mean that."
"I do. I hate you. Hate. Hate. Hate you" you screeched, "I hate you more that fucking pickles."
And Jesus, you hate pickles. Jared knew to.
"Now get away! And don't fucking come back" you screamed "or I will chop your fucking balls off!"
He scurried away, back to his car, and he sped off. You just sat down on the ground, pulling your knees up to your chest and bursting into tears.

Jared's POV
I drove straight to Jensen house, and when he answered the door, he immediately tried to slam it back in my face.
"What do you want?" He grumbled.
"I need to get Y/N back, J" I whispered "I need her!"
"Well, she doesn't need you" Jensen retorted "you realise what you did?!"
"Yeah, I was..."
"Don't you fucking blame it on alcohol, or I will stab you" Jensen shouted, shoving me out of his doorway "We aren't friends, not after what you did!"
"I'm trying to fix this!"
"You can't. She won't forgive you. And I won't forgive you for hurting her. You've been sucking up to her, flowers, chocolate, gifts. That's not fucking fixing it!"
"Then how can I?"
"Like I said, you can't, you fucked up too bad this time. You can't just fix it this time. Even if you got back with her. She'd never trust you. Not ever." And he slammed the door in my face.

Lol, I was gonna make a happy ending where Jensen gave Jared advice and Jared got back with Y/N but I'm a horrible human being so... lol

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