Jensen Ackles X Reader

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You And Jensen Are In A Volatile Relationship And You Cut
Title- I Can't Help Falling Out Of Love With You
Warnings- inferred self harm (sorry, just not feeling it ATM, I just finished writing a new chapter to Ethereal tho, it has self harm), domestic violence, mention of suicide

Oh meh gowshhhhhh. GUYS, THANK YOU! We reached 1k reads. I honestly never thought I'd get a hundred. This has made my day. I love you guys so much. Thank u thank u thank u.

"What is wrong with you Jens?" You shouted. It was the about the twentieth time that month he'd come home after twelve.
"Nothing" he grumbled as you followed him into the kitchen, watching him grab the Jack Daniels off the shelf and take a swig.
"You're not the man I fell in love with, not anymore" you whispered, tears biting at your eyes.
"Well, sorry, I can't help falling out of love with you" your boyfriend mumbled.
You choked on a sob, stepping backwards and shaking your head. He did not just say that. He couldn't.
"I hate you" you choked, grabbing the keys off the hook by the door, and running out of the house in your pjs.
You went the only place you could think of, the home of your mother/father.

Why, why, why, why? Why did you do that? You held your arm close to your body, leaning back and forth as the hot spray of the shower burned your shoulders. Who cuts themselves? On purpose? 
Jensen would never truly love you now.

You didn't care who saw the cuts. It was just these, they hadn't even scabbed, just raised pink lines. You didn't even care when midscene, Jensen froze, staring at your arm and began crying.
"No" he shouted, in front of everyone, following you off set "you're not allowed to do that!"
"Yeah, and who fucking said?"
"I did!"
"I'm sorry" you laughed sadistically "I'm didn't realise I still have a flying fuck about what you thought?! We broke up! Remember!?"
"Please, take me back, Y/N, I'm begging you!"
"Please don't hurt yourself anymore, not over me."
"Good point, why would I cut over a cheating bastard like you."
Jensen choked back tears as you stormed away, reaching back and pulling a small black case from his pocket.
"I wasn't cheating, my love, I was saving up, to buy you this."
You were already too far away to hear him.
"I'm nothing without you."

The news came on, the headline...
Lead Actor Of Supernatural Died In Horrific Car Accident With Ring In His Pocket.
You didn't leave the house that day, or ever again.

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