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I write smut...
So u can request that too if you want.
Just saying...
*pulls shirt over face*

And I also do Character X Character, and Dean!Demon, and Sam!Lucifer, as well as Sam!Gadriel, Castiel!Lucifer, and all that.
Monsters that I'll happily include are, vampires, lycanthrope/werewolf, succubus, incubus, demon, angel, Tulpa, ghost/spirit, reaper, Death, djin/genie, and all the other basic. If the monster you want isn't there, just include the name, what it does, how it's killed, and how it looks so I am able to make it. The only monster I won't do is dragons, they just fucking confuse me and I never really got the dragon ep. If you want a Tulpa you can either leave it up to me to create, or include what you'd like it called, how it is killed, anything that might weaken it, how it looks, what it does, so on, so forth.
So again, use this format to request, preferably through Private messages thanks!
Name of main character- Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Jared, Jensen, Mark, Misha, Kevin, ext
Other character- another SPN actor/character or Reader/YN
Details- hunting (what r u hunting), self harm (you or character), setting, smut or fluff (BDSM [Bondage, Dominance, Slave/Submissive, Master], cuddling, kissing, kinks, just vanilla) or whatever the f u want.
I will write gay smut, I ain't hating, I'm pro-gay, MARRIGE EQUALITY!!!
If u vote against gays... I will find u.

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