Jensen Ackles X Reader

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Jensen Bullies You And You Self Harm *HIGHSCHOOL AU*
Title- Stop Acting Like You Give A Shit
Warnings- implied self harm (I'm sorry, I'm just not really up to writing self harm at the mo), verbal and physical bullying, mentions of rape

Requested by Multi_Phandom_Trash
Yeah, I figured out how to tag u gurl!
I'm sorry, some people just don't like being spammed. Spam me. I love being spammed. Lol.
Spam me!!!
But yeah, this will be short, kinda not feeling it atm

"Dumb bitch" Jensen yelled, throwing a bottle of something out the car and onto your white uniform as he drove past. You just sighed, exasperated from his attempts to break you. Your were pretty sure he had succeeded this time though, as an itching feeling crawled up your arm and into your shoulder. He slowed down, driving along side you. "Answer when I'm talking to you slut." You could hear his mates Jared and Misha laughing.
"Leave me alone."
"What slut?"
"I said fuck you!"
"I can see them hickeys, you whore!" Jensen shouted.
"I'm not a whore" you choked, covering your face with your hair. You could tell what the mystery drink was now, coffee. It was burning your skin and you held back tears.
The hickeys were from your dysfunctional family. Your mother constantly fought with your step father, and while they were to concerned about their petty problems, your step brother would have you pinned against the bed, raping you.
"I don't want to" you muttered, which Jensen heard.
"Learn to close your gawd damn thunder thighs then. You can't be fat and a whore."
And he sped off, leaving you to your tears.

Your arm stung at water ran over it, really, everywhere stung. Your step brother had come in, drunk, high and had beaten you.
Then, remembering everything Jensen had said to you, you had punished yourself.
New cuts lines your arms as you bit down on your lip to stop yourself from screaming in pain.
As per always, you skipped dinner, avoided your parents, avoided your brother and avoided the mirror.

School had been good so far, you arrived just on time and managed to avoid Jensen and his posy. Your teacher ignored you, no one tripped you up, you didn't forget anything. Today had been good. You smiled just thinking about it as you walked back to your locker.
You flew through the air, smashing against the senior lockers.
"Hey slut."
"Leave me alone" you groaned.
"Not until you learn your lesson whore."
He pulled you up by your collar, smashing you into the lockers behind you and breathed on your face.
"Dumb little slut."
"You contradict yourself too much, dumbass" you smirked.
"Oh, fat slut. Fucking retarded fat slut" he shouted, spitting on your face, and elbowing you in the stomach "is that better?"
Courage swept over you as you gathered saliva in your mouth and spat on him.
"Is that better?" You coughed.
He swung his fist and it hit your face repeatedly. Blood dribbled down your chin.
"Dumb whore."
He clutched your wrist, twisting your arm. You cried out in pain and he looked down at your arm. Blood seeped though your sleeve and was staining his hand.
You hit the ground with a thud and he backed away.
"Holy shit" he mumbled, covering his face.
"Stop acting like you give a shit" you seethed.
"I hurt you" he whispered, his voice cracking "I-I'm sorry."
"Fuck off, you coward."
"I'm sorry, let me help" he held out his hand.
"Let me help so I can bash you against the fucking lockers Y/N!" You screamed at him. "How about you stay the fuck away from me?"
You pushed yourself up and walked away, giving him the middle finger over your shoulder and showing him your blood stained sleeve.
"Hope you're happy" you mumbled.

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