👹Chapter One👹

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This book or any of its contents are not to be printed or in any way copied without authorized permission from the author.

All characters are fictional and belong to my imagination. If this book is plagiarized then you'll be chatting with me .

If there are errors please notify me and I will correct them .

Also.....This is my first book and I really hope you guys enjoy it.


I was awaken by the sound of someone knocking on my door. I groaned and turned to my right facing the clock.

Whoever it is, better have a good excuse for waking me up at 12:03 in the night.

I let out a sigh as I got up and made my way to the freak who dares to disturb my beauty sleep.

I turned the knob and blinked a few times, clearing my vision before pulling the door towards me.

"Happy birthday Ali!" All of my friends sang in their horrible, horrible cat killing voices.

Guess it's not freaks after all huh.

"Happy birthday sis." My best bitch Twila said, giving me a really big bear hug. I returned it even though I'm out of air.

All five of my friends are here including a specific someone I can't stand. They all have big bags and presents in their hands.

Twila has been my friend since we were fourteen. She's always been there for me. She's eighteen, fair in complexion, has long curly blonde hair and a really cute button nose. Twila has the perfect height and her appearances make guys worship her....Literally.

I couldn't help but let a lazy smile made it's way on my face.

"Oh come on guys, can't you wait till morning? I'm clearly not going anywhere." With that said, I turn my heels and walk back to my bed.

I wondered...Who on earth would let these idiots in the house at midnight??

I take a seat at the end of my bed facing those idiots, who all had a heck of a goofy grim on.

"Do you guys want an invitation to come in or something ?" I practically croaked sounding like a frog.

Damn....where's water when you need it?

They all rushed in, dropping the gifts gently on the ground.

"Oh yeah,we certainly do need an invitation to come in sweety,"Sarah said while jumping on my bed.

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